par Arnould, Marcel 
Référence Nuclear physics. A, 100, 3, page (657-672)
Publication Publié, 1967-08

Référence Nuclear physics. A, 100, 3, page (657-672)
Publication Publié, 1967-08
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | In this work, we compare positon capture and photo-beta disintegration probabilities in several stellar conditions. We show that the second process can be neglected with regard to the first one in strongly endothermic nuclear transitions, whereas photo-beta disintegration can be competitive with positon capture and even can have a greater likelihood than the latter process in weakly endothermic and exothermic transitions. In the range of temperature we consider here (T ≈ 109 °K), it appears that the lifetime ratio τ(ph) τ(ec+) against photo-beta disintegration and positon capture is the smallest for densities in the neighbourhood of 106 g/cm3. Thus, we arrive at the conclusion that the photo-beta process can play a role in the synthesis of two "p" elements at least, 62144Sm and 80196Hg, for which the ratios τ(ph) τ(ec+) are close to 10 and 20, respectively, in the most favourable stellar conditions. © 1967. |