par Pileri, Alessandro;Ledoux, Lucien
;Vanderhaeghe, Francine 
Référence Experimental cell research, 17, 2, page (218-226)
Publication Publié, 1959-05

Référence Experimental cell research, 17, 2, page (218-226)
Publication Publié, 1959-05
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The absorption of ribonuclease by ascites tumor cells and bone marrow cells has been followed by measuring the enzymatic activity and radioactivity of cellular suspensions which were incubated in the presence of the 131I-labelled enzyme. Our experiments show that RNase penetrates into the cell; the rate of penetration depends on the concentration of the enzyme in the medium. RNase absorption in ascites tumor cells is not influenced by temperature unless the RNase concentration exceeds a certain value; this suggests that several mechanisms (diffusion, membrane activity, pinocytosis), differently affected by temperature, play a role in the absorption of RNase by the cell. The effects of RNase on the metabolism of normal as well as tumor cells are discussed in view of these new results. © 1959. |