par Mourachkine, Andrei 
Référence Journal of low temperature physics, 117, 3-4, page (401-405)
Publication Publié, 1999

Référence Journal of low temperature physics, 117, 3-4, page (401-405)
Publication Publié, 1999
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The phase diagram of order parameters for pairing and phase coherence in hole-doped cuprates is discussed. By examining carefully some recent inelastic neutron scattering data obtained on hole-doped cuprates and heavy fermion compound UPd2Al3 in which the superconductivity is mediated by spin fluctuations, we conclude that the coherent gap in hole-doped cuprates has most likely the magnetic origin and scales with Tc, on average, as 2Δc/kBTc = 5.4. We discuss a model of the superconductivity in hole-doped cuprates and the symmetries of two order parameters. |