par Lemonnc, J.;Vanhomwegen, G.;Wickens, John H.
;Hagman, V.M.;Keski-Kuha, P.;Tuominiemi, J.K.;Valtonen, K.;Estruch, J.A.;Mason, Philip;Baland, J.F.;Poiret, Chantal;Ekspong, G.;Sellden, B.;Szilly, L.;Yamdagni, N.;Bogoljubsky, M.;Ivanova, N.;Moiseev, A.;Ukhanov, Mikhail
Référence Zeitschrift für Physik. C, Particles and fields, 24, 2, page (103-110)
Publication Publié, 1984-06

Référence Zeitschrift für Physik. C, Particles and fields, 24, 2, page (103-110)
Publication Publié, 1984-06
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The inclusive production of K s 0, Λ and {Mathematical expression} particles is investigated in 70 GeV/c {Mathematical expression} interactions in an experiment performed at CERN using BEBC equipped with a TST. Differential cross-sections are studied and compared with corresponding data at surrounding energies. Differences with pp data obtained at the same energy allow an estimate of the K s 0, production cross-section in annihilation processes. Evidence is also given for central {Mathematical expression} production. © 1984 Springer-Verlag. |