par Barroo, Cédric
Référence 37th International Precious Metals Institute Annual Conference, 37th International Precious Metals Institute Annual Conference, IPMI 2013 - Out of the Ashes the Golden Phoenix Rises: Staying Compliant by Rising Above the Regulations, Red Hook : Curran Associates Inc., page (387-393)
Publication Publié, 2013
Publication dans des actes
  • Mechanisms and synergistic effects during NOx reduction over PGM based catalysts
Auteur:Barroo, Cédric
Informations sur la publication:37th International Precious Metals Institute Annual Conference, 37th International Precious Metals Institute Annual Conference, IPMI 2013 - Out of the Ashes the Golden Phoenix Rises: Staying Compliant by Rising Above the Regulations, Red Hook : Curran Associates Inc., page (387-393)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2013
Sujet CREF:Chimie
Chimie des surfaces et des interfaces
Physique des surfaces
Physique des phénomènes non linéaires
Catalyses hétérogène et homogène