  • UV-vis and IR monitored picosecond transient spectroscopic study of photoinduced electron transfer involving DNA-intercalated Ruthenium complexes - a role for proton transfer ?
Auteur:Kelly, J.M.; Creely, Caitriona; Whelan, A.M.; Blau, Werner Josef; Elias, Benjamin; Moucheron, Cécile; Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, Andrée; Dyer, J.; Grills, David C; Kuimova, M.K.; George, Michael W.; Matousek, Pavel; Towrie, Michael; Parker, Anthony W.
Informations sur la publication:International Reaction Mechanism Conference (5 au 9 juillet 2004: Dublin, Irlande)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2004-07
Sujet CREF:Photochimie