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Résumé : In this short communication we provide an overview of the new and recently published data on the Lessines borehole since its original description in 1991 and integrate these into the new stratigraphy and the current ideas on the evolution and structure of the Brabant Massif. Although these data are mainly of a stratigraphical kind, they have considerable implications for the overall basin evolution. Unit I belongs to the middle Katian (uppermost Caradocian to lower Ashgillian) Fauquez Formation and Unit II belongs to the upper Sandbian to the lowest Katian (middle Caradocian) Ittre Formation. A previously non-identified, probably normal fault separates both units. As initially proposed, Unit III clearly belongs to the lower Tremadocian Chevlipont Formation. A fault breccia, also probably belonging to a normal fault, separates units II and III. Unit IV corresponds to the Asquempont Member of the Early to lower Middle Cambrian Oisquercq Formation. A pre-cleavage fault breccia, initially interpreted as a microconglomerate, separates units III and IV. This fault, responsible for the removal of at least 4500 m of sediments is interpreted as a low-angle extensional detachment belonging to the Asquempont Detachment System.