par Fossion, Pierre ;Rejas-Martin, Mari-Carmen
Référence Thérapie familiale, 28, 3, page (231-247)
Publication Publié, 2007
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : In family therapy, the concept of transgenerational mechanisms gives therapists a specific strategy for listening to their patients and leads them to examine the link between crisis situations they encounter in their practice and cycles of life and of generations. Referring to the clinical concepts of Siegi Hirsch, we present here several clinical observations which we made during therapy sessions with certain families of Holo-caust survivors. These families were characterized by some specific patterns in their relationships which led us to consider that the symptoms of the third generation might be a consequence of the transgenerational transmission of Holocaust trauma. We also describe the clinical strategy which we developed to assist these families. This strategy consists of an attempt to reinforce the relationships between grandchildrenand their grand parents, the Holocaust survivors.