par Alonso, Rodrigo;Dhen, Mikaël
;Gavela, M. B.;Hambye, Thomas 
Référence Journal of High Energy Physics, 1301, 118, page (32)
Publication Publié, 2012

Référence Journal of High Energy Physics, 1301, 118, page (32)
Publication Publié, 2012
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | We compute the μ → e conversion in the type-I seesaw model, as a function of the right-handed neutrino mixings and masses. The results are compared with previous computations in the literature. We determine the definite predictions resulting for the ratios between the μ → e conversion rate for a given nucleus and the rate of two other processes which also involve a μ - e flavour transition: μ → eγ and μ → eee. For a quasi-degenerate mass spectrum of right-handed neutrino masses - which is the most natural scenario leading to observable rates - those ratios depend only on the seesaw mass scale, offering a quite interesting testing ground. In the case of sterile neutrinos heavier than the electroweak scale, these ratios vanish typically for a mass scale of order a few TeV. Furthermore, the analysis performed here is also valid down to very light masses. It turns out that planned μ → e conversion experiments would be sensitive to masses as low as 2 MeV. Taking into account other experimental constraints, we show that future μ → e conversion experiments will be fully relevant to detect or constrain sterile neutrino scenarios in the 2 GeV-1000 TeV mass range. © 2013 SISSA, Trieste, Italy. |