par Reis, Thomas
;Thomas, Laurent 
Référence Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society (2012-05-30: Brussels, BE)
Publication Non publié, 2012-05-30

Référence Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society (2012-05-30: Brussels, BE)
Publication Non publié, 2012-05-30
Poster de conférence
Résumé : | The theory of particle physics is today described with great accuracy by the Standard Model.However, several important questions are left opened such as the hierarchy problem or the equalnumber of generations of leptons and quarks. A large number of theories beyond the StandardModel (BSM) have been proposed to answer them and the recent start of the Large Hadron Colliderat CERN is expected to allow to test them experimentally. In this poster, we present the search, withthe CMS detector at LHC, of new heavy neutral resonances predicted by several BSM theories(Grand Unification, Extra Dimensions,...). The di-electron and di-muon channels are considered.The results on the whole 2011 dataset are presented. The selection and identification of events aredescribed and the efficiency and background contamination are estimated by data driven methods.No evidence of new physics is observed and different limits, depending on the model, are set on themass of a new heavy resonance. |