par Steenhout, Anne
Référence 4th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health (23-25 june 2004: Budapest, Hungary)
Publication Non publié, 2004-06
Communication à un colloque
  • The future for our children
Auteur:Steenhout, Anne
Informations sur la publication:4th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health (23-25 june 2004: Budapest, Hungary)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2004-06
Sujet CREF:Environnement et pollution
Technologie de l'environnement, contrôle de la pollution
Médecine de l'environnement
Ecologie chimique
Note générale:WHO, European Commission and Members States of the European Union ; On invitation by Dr David GEE (European Environment Agency) as expert and Member of the SCALE Initiative Technical Working groups.