par Moritz, Benoît ;De Clerck, Philippe ;Vanhaelen, Yannick ; [et al.]
Organisme financeur Cabinet of the Secretary of State in Charge of Urbanism for the Brussels Capital Region
Publication Publié, 2013-04-16
  • RE:WORK, Making Place for Industry, Logistics and Wholesale in Brussels: Brussels Master Class 2012
Auteur:Moritz, Benoît; De Clerck, Philippe; Vanhaelen, Yannick; et al.
Organisme financeur:Cabinet of the Secretary of State in Charge of Urbanism for the Brussels Capital Region
Statut de publication:Publié, 2013-04-16
series:Reports on Research by Design - LoUIsE & SteR*, 1
Sujet CREF:Urbanisme et architecture (aspect sociologique)
Aménagement urbain
Volumes/pages:176 p.
Mots-clés:Research by Design