par Bele, C.;Democrate, C.;Coriton, G.;Djafer, M.;Servais, Pierre ;Heim, V.
Référence Leading Edge in Water and wastewater technology organized by the International Water Association (juin 2007: Singapore (Singapore))
Publication Non publié, 2007
Communication à un colloque
  • Controlling biofouling potential of nanofiltration membranes by surface waters: a new on-line monitoring
Auteur:Bele, C.; Democrate, C.; Coriton, G.; Djafer, M.; Servais, Pierre; Heim, V.
Informations sur la publication:Leading Edge in Water and wastewater technology organized by the International Water Association (juin 2007: Singapore (Singapore))
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2007
Sujet CREF:Environnement et pollution