par Trepo, Eric ;Hites, Maya ;Beumier, Marjorie ;Surin, R.;Wolff, Fleur ;Taccone, Fabio ;De Backer, Daniel ;Moreno, Christophe ;Gustot, Thierry ;Vincent, Jean Louis ;Cotton, Frédéric ;Jacobs, Frédérique
Référence The American association of the study of liver conference (November 2012: Boston, United States)
Publication Non publié, 2012
Référence The American association of the study of liver conference (November 2012: Boston, United States)
Publication Non publié, 2012
Poster de conférence
Titre: |
Auteur: | Trepo, Eric; Hites, Maya; Beumier, Marjorie; Surin, R.; Wolff, Fleur; Taccone, Fabio; De Backer, Daniel; Moreno, Christophe; Gustot, Thierry; Vincent, Jean Louis; Cotton, Frédéric; Jacobs, Frédérique |
Informations sur la publication: | The American association of the study of liver conference (November 2012: Boston, United States) |
Statut de publication: | Non publié, 2012 |
Sujet CREF: | Gastro-entérologie |
Langue: | Anglais |