par Rimachi Alvarez, Rocio ;Orellana Jimenez, Carlos ;De Backer, Daniel ;Cotton, Frédéric ;Vincent, Jean Louis
Référence 14th Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (30/09-3/10/2001: Geneva)
Publication Non publié, 2001
Poster de conférence
  • Lactate / pyruvate ratio in sceptic shock
Auteur:Rimachi Alvarez, Rocio; Orellana Jimenez, Carlos; De Backer, Daniel; Cotton, Frédéric; Vincent, Jean Louis
Informations sur la publication:14th Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (30/09-3/10/2001: Geneva)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2001
Sujet CREF:Sciences pharmaceutiques