  • Better management of coherence to improve the existing workforce: towards a comprehensive competence-based approach in education and training : process, paradigm and methods for a meaningful integration of professional and community healthcare practices
Auteur:Parent, Florence; Baulana, Roger; d'Hoop, Evelyne; Kahombo, Gérard; Coppieters, Yves; Lejeune, Colette; Mapatano, Ali; Garant, Michèle; Lemenu, Dominique; Dury, Cécile; De Ketele, Jean-Marie
Informations sur la publication:(May 11 through 14- 2009: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia), The World Bank Africa Health Workforce Program is hosting a “Human Resources for Health Results” (HR). Research Symposium
Statut de publication:Publié, 2009
Sujet CREF:Santé publique