Résumé : Coal, char and activated char doped with model vanadium compounds (V2O5 and NH4VO3) and petroleum coke ash, PCA, (main metal components: V, Fe and Ni) have been tested as catalytic sorbents for NO reduction without the addition of a reduction reactive. The sorbents prepared have shown to be active for NO reduction at temperatures higher than 350°C. The most efficient sorbents are those obtained from unactivated chars and doping with model vanadium compounds or PCA does not upgrade significantly their behaviour. On the other hand, for the samples prepared from activated char, an improvement of the reduction efficiency is observed after impregnation with model vanadium compounds or PCA. SSA of the samples does not play a relevant role on the NO reduction efficiency while surface chemistry significantly affect the samples' behaviour: higher the CO2/CO ratio determined by TPD, higher the NO reduction efficiency of the sample. Slightly higher NO conversions are observed for the samples loaded with pure compounds but PCA is perspective for producing catalyst doped activated carbons. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.