par Cleeremans, Axel
Référence 8th Symposium of Bial Foundation titled "Intuition and decision making: Behind and Beyond the Brain" (April 7th: Porto (Portugal))
Publication Non publié, 2010
Référence 8th Symposium of Bial Foundation titled "Intuition and decision making: Behind and Beyond the Brain" (April 7th: Porto (Portugal))
Publication Non publié, 2010
Communication à un colloque
Titre: |
Auteur: | Cleeremans, Axel |
Informations sur la publication: | 8th Symposium of Bial Foundation titled "Intuition and decision making: Behind and Beyond the Brain" (April 7th: Porto (Portugal)) |
Statut de publication: | Non publié, 2010 |
Sujet CREF: | Fondements des sciences cognitives |
Modélisation des processus cognitifs | |
Etude de la conscience | |
Psychologie cognitive | |
Neurosciences cognitives | |
Langue: | Anglais |