Travail de recherche/Working paper
Résumé : | As a reaction to the restrictive Gaussian assumptions that are usually part of graphical models, Vogel and Fried [17] recently introduced elliptical graphical models, in which the vector of variables at hand is assumed to have an elliptical distribution. The present work introduces a class of rank tests in the context of elliptical graphical models. The proposed tests are valid under any elliptical density, and in particular do not require any moment assumption. They achieve local and asymptotic optimality under correctly specified densities. Their asymptotic properties are investigated both under the null and under sequences of local alternatives. Asymptotic relative efficiencies with respect to the corresponding pseudo-Gaussian competitors are derived, which allows to show that, when based on normal scores, the proposed rank tests uniformly dominate the pseudo-Gaussian tests in the Pitman sense. The asymptotic results are confirmed through a Monte-Carlo study. |