par Peigneux, Philippe ;Urbain, Charline ;Schmitz, Rémy
Editeur scientifique Espie, Colin;Morin, Charles
Référence Oxford Handbook of Sleep and Sleep Disorders, Oxford University Press, New-York
Publication Publié, 2012
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
  • Sleep and the Brain
Auteur:Peigneux, Philippe; Urbain, Charline; Schmitz, Rémy
Editeur scientifique:Espie, Colin; Morin, Charles
Informations sur la publication:Oxford Handbook of Sleep and Sleep Disorders, Oxford University Press, New-York
Statut de publication:Publié, 2012
series:Oxford library of psychology
Sujet CREF:Sciences bio-médicales et agricoles
Sciences humaines
Mots-clés:NREM, REM, SWS, USWS, neurobiology, neurophysiology, functional neuroanatomy, phylogenesis, EEG, PET, fMRI, MEG
Note générale:Abstract The phenomenological experience of sleep as a cessation of waking activity is misleading. Indeed, it suggests that sleep constitutes, like a switch, a simple mechanism by which are shut off all neurophysiological processes associated with an active and costly wake state of vigilance. In this chapter, we present a summary description of sleep and its defi ning features, viewed from behavioral, neurobiological, neurophysiological, and functional neuroanatomical perspectives. Given the universality of sleep and/or sleep-like phenomena across animal species, we review also the phylogenesis of sleep. As the reader will realize, the simplistic view that sleep is a mere state of inactivity must be replaced by the conception of a complex, multidimensional, and active state of the brain. Keywords : NREM , REM , SWS , USWS , Neurobiology , Neurophysiology , Functional Neuroanatomy , Phylogenesis , EEG , PET , fMRI , MEG
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