Résumé : Two radioimmunoassays for the detection of anti-hepatitis A IgM were evaluated. In one of them, IgM were detected by absorption of IgG on Staphylococcus aureus protein A. The other one is a commercial kit (HAVAB-M, Abbott) where the IgM are first absorbed on polystyrene beads coated with goat anti-human antibody specific for human IgM. On 83 incidents of acute hepatitis, the second technique was proved to be more sensitive: 3 more acute hepatitis A were diagnosed, and the possibility of detection of IgM in 2 late sera and 1 early serum.
Deux techniques radioimmunologiques de détection des IgM sériques anti-hépatite A ont été évaluées: l'une comportant l'absorption des IgG par la protéine A de Staphylococcus aureus, l'autre (HAVAB-M Abbott) l'absorption des IgM par un immunsérum spécifique de chèvre.Sur 83 cas d'hépatite aiguë, la seconde technique s'est révélée plus sensible.