Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (31)

  1. 9. Meuret, I. (2011). Champ littéraire, champ journalistique, et champ éditorial en angleterre. Paper session presented at Journalisme et littérature : problématiques de la longue durée et recherches en cours (26-27 Mai 2011: Université Libre de Bruxelles).
  2. 10. Meuret, I. (2011). Literary journalism in Europe: alternative voivces narrating history. Paper session presented at Kobe University Brussels Days, Roles of Culture on the Foundation of European Integration (5 Mars 2011: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique).
  3. 11. Meuret, I. (2011). Literary Journalism in Europe: Alternative Voices Narrating History. Paper session presented at Kobe University Brussels Days, Roles of Culture on the Foundation of European Integration (5 mars 2011: Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)).
  4. 12. Meuret, I. (2011). Current Trends in French Literary Journalism: Towards an Ecriture Vérité. Paper session presented at American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA): World Literature / Comparative Literature (31 mars - 3 avril 2011: Vancouver, Simon Fraser University).
  5. 13. Meuret, I., & Sims, N. (2011). Literary Journalism and History Panel. Paper session presented at 6th Annual Conference of the International Association of Literary Journalism Studies (IALJS): Theoria, Poiesis and Praxis (12-14 mai 2011: Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)).
  6. 14. Meuret, I. (2011). Ancient Gonzo Wisdom: Debunking the Myth of Hunter S. Thompson. Paper session presented at Les Entretiens d’écrivains : enjeux et mutations d’un genre dialogique (5-7 décembre 2011: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) et Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)).
  7. 15. Meuret, I. (2011). Le Journalisme littéraire à l’aube du XXe siècle: Regards croisés entre mondes anglophone et francophone. Paper session presented at Journalisme et littérature : problématiques de la longue durée et recherches en cours (26-27 mai 2011: Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)).
  8. 16. Meuret, I. (2010). British civilisation and its discontentes: History, Memory, and loss in Ian Jack's literary journalism. Paper session presented at ESSE-10, Literary Journalism and History (24-26 Août 2010: Turin, Italie).
  9. 17. Meuret, I. (2010). Representing America: when photojournalism meets literay journalism. Paper session presented at IALJS-5, Literary Journalism : Perspectives and Prospects (20-22 Mai 2010: Roehampton University, Londres, Angleterre).
  10. 18. Meuret, I. (2010). From popular memoirs to stump speeches: on the importance of storytelling in political fictions. Paper session presented at Finding the Plot : On the Importance of Storytelling in Political Fictions (14-16 Avril 2010: University of Leeds, Angleterre).
  11. 19. Meuret, I. (2010). Fear and loathing after 9/11: literary journalism and trauma. Paper session presented at journée d’étude sur le « Literary Journalism » (7 Mai 2010: Université de Paris-Est, France).
  12. 20. Meuret, I. (2009). From personal memoirs to political fictions and stump speeches: on the importance of storytelling in the US elections. Paper session presented at IALJS-4, Literary Journalism : Past, Present and Future (14-16 Mai 2009: Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University, USA).

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