Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (4)

  1. 1. Meuret, I. (2020). Timely and Timeless Words: Martha Gellhorn’s Letters and Notes.: A critical review of Yours, for probably always… Martha Gellhorn’s Letters of Love and War 1930-1949, by Janet Somerville. Literary journalism studies, 12(1).
  2. 2. Meuret, I. (2015). The Formation of a Physician: Critical review of Internal Medicine: A Doctor’s Stories, by Terrence Holt. Literary journalism studies, 7(2) , 170-173.
  3. 3. Meuret, I. (2010). Journalism as An Aesthetic, revue critique de Aesthetic Journalism : How to inform Without Informing, by Alfredo Cramerotti. Literary journalism studies, 2(1) , 117-119.
  4. 4. Meuret, I. (2008). Amélie Nothomb : l’éternelle affamée, de Laureline Amanieux. Textyles, 34 , 124.
  5.   Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (31)

  6. 1. Meuret, I. (2013). Writing from the Front: Andrée Viollis’s Literary Reportage and Activism. Paper session presented at 8th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Literary Journalism (IALJS) (16-18 mai 2013: University of Tampere, Finlande).
  7. 2. Meuret, I. (2013). The Remains of Days Spent on the Road: Sketches of People and Places by Capote and Brinnin. Paper session presented at Borders and Crossings / Seuils et Traverses: An International and Multidisci-plinary Conference on Travel Writing (22-24 juillet 2013: Liverpool Hope University, UK).
  8. 3. Meuret, I. (2013). Going against the Tide: Cross- and Counter-Cultural Programmes in the Humanities. Paper session presented at Humanities in the 21st Century (24-25 mars 2013: Harris Manchester College, Oxford, UK).
  9. 4. Meuret, I. (2013). Le dégoût alimentaire: De la sainte inédie à l’anorexie mentale. Paper session presented at Le Dégoût : Histoire, langage, politique et esthétique d’une émotion plurielle (23-24 mai 2013: Université de Liège).
  10. 5. Meuret, I. (2013). La Taille Zéro de l’Ecriture: Les Figurations de l’anorexie dans la littérature du XXe siècle. Paper session presented at Corps et Représentation : Une liaison dangereuse? (16-18 octobre 2013: Université de Lyon).
  11. 6. Meuret, I. (2012). Literary Journalism: Borders and Boundaries. Paper session presented at 11th Annual Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) (4-8 septembre 2012: Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turquie).
  12. 7. Meuret, I. (2012). Literary Journalism and The Legacy of Ethnic Minority Writing. Paper session presented at 7th annual conference of the International Association for the Study of Literary Journalism (IALJS), Literary Journalism: The Power and Promise of Story (Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada).
  13. 8. Meuret, I. (2012). From Global to Personal Catastrophe: Joan Didion’s Vortex of Grief. Paper session presented at American Comparative Literature Association, Collapse / Catastrophe / Change (29 mars - 1er avril 2012: Brown University, Providence, RI, US).

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