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  5. 15. Sapir, A., & Faini, R. (2009). An Obsolete Model ?: Growth and Specialisation in the Italian Economy. In M. Buti (Ed.), Italy in EMU. Palgrave Macmillan.
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  10. 20. Sapir, A. (2007). European strategies for growth. In M. Artis & F. Nixson (Eds.), Economics of the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  11. 21. Sapir, A. (2006). Globaliseringen och de europeiska sociala modellernas reformering. In S. Gustavsson, L. Oxelheim, & N. Wahl (Eds.), En gränslös europeiska arbetsmarknad?. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag.(Europaperspektiv).
  12. 22. Sapir, A. (2006). Final remarks. In T. Boeri, M. Castanheira De Moura, R. Faini, & V. Galasso (Eds.), Structural reforms without prejudices. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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