Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (102)

  1. 64. Sapir, A. (1993). Sectoral dimension. European Economy, 23-39.
  2. 65. Sapir, A. (1993). The structure of services in Europe: a conceptual framework. European Economy, 83-97.
  3. 66. Sapir, A., & Buigues, P. (1993). Les politiques industrielles de la Communauté: au carrefour des conflits. Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 63, 242-260.
  4. 67. Sapir, A. (1993). Le régionalisme et la nouvelle théorie du commerce international sonnent-ils le glas du GATT? Politique Etrangere, 2, 277-293.
  5. 68. Sapir, A., Buigues, P., & Jacquemin, A. (1993). European competition policy in manufacturing and services: a two-speed approach? Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 113-132. doi:10.1093/oxrep/9.2.113
  6. 69. Sapir, A. (1992). Regional integration in Europe. The Economic Journal, 102(415), 1491-1506. doi:10.2307/2234805
  7. 70. Sapir, A., & Greenaway, D. (1992). New issues in the Uruguay round: services, TRIMs and TRIPs. European Economic Review, 36(2-3), 509-518. doi:10.1016/0014-2921(92)90108-9
  8. 71. Sapir, A. (1992). Europe 1992: the external trade implications. International Economic Journal, 1-15. doi:10.1080/10168739200000001
  9. 72. Sapir, A., & Pisani-Ferry, J. (1992). Commerce et transition vers le marché dans l'ex-URSS. Revue d'économie financière, 21, 129-150.
  10. 73. Sapir, A., & Jacquemin, A. (1991). The Internal and External Opening-Up of the Single Community Market: Efficiency Gains, Adjustment Costs and New Community Instruments. The International spectator, 29-48. doi:10.1080/03932729108457944
  11. 74. Sapir, A., & Jacquemin, A. (1991). Europe post-1992: internal and external liberalisation. The American Economic Review, 81(2), 166-170.
  12. 75. Sapir, A., & Jacquemin, A. (1991). Community instruments. The International Spectator, XXVI(3), 29-48.

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