Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (35)

  1. 16. Bouillon, P., Halimi, S., Rayner, M., & Hockey, B. A. (2007). Adapting a Medical Speech to Speech Translation system (MedSLT) to Arabic. Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages (pp. 41-48) ACL2007(Prague).
  2. 17. Bouillon, P., Rayner, M., Starlander, M., & Santaholma, M. (2007). Les ellipses dans un système de traduction automatique de la parole. Actes de TALN/RECITAL (pp. 53-62) (juin 2007: Toulouse).
  3. 18. Bouillon, P., Chatzichrisafis, N., Halimi, S., Hockey, B. A., Isahara, H., Nakao, Y., Novellas, B., Rayner, M., Santaholma, M., & Starlander, M. (2007). MedSLT: A mutilingual Grammar-Based Medical Speech Translator. IWCI 2007 (Kyoto, Japon)
  4. 19. Bouillon, P., Flores, G., Starlander, M., Chatzichrisafis, N., & Santaholma, M. (2007). A bidirectional Grammar-based Medical Speech Translator. Proceedings of SPEECHGRAM 2007 (pp. 41-48) ACL2007(Prague).
  5. 20. Namer, F., Bouillon, P., & Jacquey, E. (2007). A Reference Generative Lexicon for French. Actes de GL2007 (mai 10-11 2007: Paris)
  6. 21. Namer, F., Bouillon, P., & Jacquey, E. (2007). Un lexique génératif de référence pour le français. Actes de TALN/RECITAL (pp. 233-242) (juin 2007: Toulouse).
  7. 22. Bouillon, P., Rayner, M., Novellas, B., Nakao, Y., Santaholma, M., Starlander, M., & Chatzichrisafis, N. (2006). Une grammaire multilingue partagée pour le traitement automatique de la parole. Proceedings of Taln/Recital (pp. 93-102) (Leuven).
  8. 23. Nakao, Y., Rayner, M., Chatzichrisafis, N., Isahara, H., Bouillon, P., Hockey, B. A., & Kanzaki, K. (2006). Making MedSLT Easier to Use: Back-Translation and the Help System. Proceedings of the NLP2006 Conference (14-16 March 2006: Tokyo, Japan)
  9. 24. Chatzichrisafis, N., Bouillon, P., Rayner, M., Santaholma, M., Starlander, M., & Hockey, B. A. (2006). Evaluating Task Performance for a Unidirectional Controlled Language Medical Speech Tranaltion System. Proceedings of First International Workshop on Medical Speech Translation HLT-NAACL(June 9, 2006: New York)
  10. 25. Rayner, M., Bouillon, P., Hockey, B. A., & Chatzichrisafis, N. (2006). Regulus: A generic mulilingual open-source platform for Grammar-Based speech applications. Proceedings of LREC (24-26 May 2006: Genoa, Italy)
  11. 26. Rayner, M., Bouillon, P., Chatzichrisafis, N., Santaholma, M., Starlander, M., Nakao, Y., Isahara, H., & Kanzaki, K. (2006). MedSLT: A Limited-Domain Unidirectional Grammar-Based Medical Speech Translator. Proceedings of First International Workshop on Medical Speech Translation HLT-NAACL(June 9, 2006: New York)
  12. 27. Bouillon, P., Rayner, M., Chatzichrisafis, N., Hockey, B. A., Santaholma, M., Starlander, M., Isahara, H., Kanzaki, K., & Nakao, Y. (2005). A Generic Multi-Lingual Open Source Platform for Limited-Domain Medical Speech Translation. Proceedings of the tenth Conference on European Association of Machine Translation (pp. 50-58) (30-31, May 2005: Budapest, Hungary).

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