Divers (8)

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  2.   Direction d'ouvrages: chapitres rédigés par des membres de l'ULB (68)

  3. 1. Naftali, P. (2014). Toute la vérité, rien que la vérité ?: Les mobilisations du ‘droit à la vérité’ sur les disparitions forcées dans les affaires Mignone et Lapacó en Argentine. In J. Allard, O. Corten, M. Falkowska, V. Lefebve, & P. Naftali (Eds.), La vérité en procès: Les juges et la vérité politique. Paris: LGDJ.(Droit et Société).
  4. 2. Verdebout, A. (2018). The Intervention of the Gulf Cooperation Council in Bahrain - 2011. In O. Corten & T. Ruys (Eds.), The Use of Force in International Law: A Case-Based Approach. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  5. 3. Hebert-Dolbec, M.-L., & Burniat, N. (2022). 1986 Vienna Convention: Article 82, Signature. In O. Corten, P. Klein, V. Koutroulis, & A. Lagerwall (Eds.), The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties: A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  6. 4. Hebert-Dolbec, M.-L., & Burniat, N. (2022). 1969 Vienna Convention: Article 81, Signature. In O. Corten, P. Klein, V. Koutroulis, & A. Lagerwall (Eds.), The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties: A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  7. 5. Hebert-Dolbec, M.-L., & Burniat, N. (2022). 1969 Vienna Convention: Article 83, Accession. In O. Corten, P. Klein, V. Koutroulis, & A. Lagerwall (Eds.), The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties: A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  8. 6. Hebert-Dolbec, M.-L., & Burniat, N. (2022). 1986 Vienna Convention: Article 83, Ratification or act of formal ratification. In O. Corten, P. Klein, V. Koutroulis, & A. Lagerwall (Eds.), The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties: A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  9. 7. Hebert-Dolbec, M.-L., & Burniat, N. (2022). 1969 Vienna Convention: Article 82, Ratification. In O. Corten, P. Klein, V. Koutroulis, & A. Lagerwall (Eds.), The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties: A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  10. 8. Hebert-Dolbec, M.-L., & Burniat, N. (2022). 1986 Vienna Convention: Article 84, Accession. In O. Corten, P. Klein, V. Koutroulis, & A. Lagerwall (Eds.), The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties: A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  11. 9. Dubuisson, F. (2024). Commentary on article 59 of the Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaty. In O. Corten, P. Klein, V. Koutroulis, & A. Lagerwall (Eds.), The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaty. A Commentary (2 ed., p. 20). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  12. 10. Koutroulis, V., & Falkowska, M. (2021). The fog of law in the fog of war: international humanitarian law in war movies. In O. Corten, F. Dubuisson, & M. Falkowska (Eds.), Cinematic perspectives on international law (1 ed., pp. 128-152). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  13. 11. Lagerwall, A. (2021). Is cinema the handmaid of international criminal justice ? In O. Corten, F. Dubuisson, & M. Falkowska (Eds.), Cinematic perspectives on international law (1 ed., p. 233). Manchester: Manchester University Press.(Melland Schill Perspectives on International Law).

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