Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (60)

  1. 34. Goldman, N. (2016). Synthetic Dimensions from Shaking a Harmonic Trap. Paper session presented at Workshop on Gauge Field Dynamics with Ultracold Gas Systems (Bad Honnef).
  2. 35. Goldman, N. (2016). Topological Responses and Higher Dimensions: A Cold-Atom Perspective. Paper session presented at IMPRS-QST Kick-Off Meeting Munich.
  3. 36. Goldman, N. (2016). Instability rates in periodically-driven band systems. Paper session presented at UQUAM Meeting Berlin.
  4. 37. Goldman, N. (2016). Unique Topological Responses from Center-Of-Mass Observables in Cold Atomic Gases. Paper session presented at Workshop on Quantum Matter Benasque.
  5. 38. Goldman, N. (2016). Extracting Chern numbers from Atomic Gases: 2D and 4D Quantum Hall Physics in the Lab. Paper session presented at J’DOC 2016 Lille.
  6. 39. Goldman, N. (2016). Measuring Chern numbers in Atomic Gases: 2D and 4D Quantum Hall Physics in the Lab. Paper session presented at BPS Meeting 2016.
  7. 40. Lellouch, S., & Goldman, N. (2016). Understanding the instabilities in interacting periodically-driven quantum systems. Poster présenté à la conférence 616th WE-Heraeus Seminar “Ultracold Quantum Gases - Current Trends and Future Perspectives” (2016: Bad Honnef).
  8. 41. Goldman, N. (2016). Measuring Chern numbers in Atomic Gases: 2D and 4D Quantum Hall Physics in the Lab. Paper session presented at APS March Meeting.
  9. 42. Goldman, N. (2015). Creating topological matter in cold atomic gases: The Chern-number measurement. Paper session presented at Frontiers on Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (Prague).
  10. 43. Goldman, N. (2015). Beyond the Chern number measurement. Paper session presented at 17th Symposium on Topological Quantum Information (Munich).
  11. 44. Goldman, N. (2014). Gauge fields and topological phases with cold atoms. Paper session presented at Workshop on “Cold atoms and beyond” (June 25-27, 2014: Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), Aarhus University).
  12. 45. Goldman, N. (2014). Gauge fields and topological phases with cold atoms. Paper session presented at International Workshop “Quantum Matter” (June 15 to June 27 of 2014: Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual).

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