Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (127)

  1. 120. Bersini, H., Lenaerts, T., & Santos, F. C. (2005). Growing biochemical networks: Identifying the intrinsic properties. Lecture notes in computer science, 3630 LNAI, 864-873. doi:10.1007/11553090_87
  2. 121. Defaweux, A., Lenaerts, T., & van Hemert, J. J. (2005). Evolutionary transitions as a metaphor for evolutionary optimisation. Lecture notes in computer science, 3630 LNAI, 342-352. doi:10.1007/11553090_35
  3. 122. Lenaerts, T., Chu, D., & Watson, A. (2005). Dynamical Hierarchies. Artificial life, 11(4), 403-405.
  4. 123. Defaweux, A., Lenaerts, T., van Hemert, J. J., & Parent, J. (2005). Transition models as an incremental approach for problem solving in evolutionary algorithms. Lecture notes in computer science, 599-606.
  5. 124. Defaweux, A., Lenaerts, T., van Hemert, J. J., & Parent, J. (2005). A study on the impact of the initial population in a transition based evolutionary algorithm. Computer Society ..., 196-203.
  6. 125. Chu, D., Lee, H., & Lenaerts, T. (2005). Emergence of uptake signals in bacterial DNA. Artificial life, 11(3), 317-338.
  7. 126. Tuyls, K., Nowe, A., Lenaerts, T., & Manderick, B. (2004). An evolutionary game theoretic perspective on learning in multi-agent systems. Synthese, 139(2), 297-330.
  8. 127. Eggermont, J., Lenaerts, T., Poyhonen, S., & Termier, A. (2001). Raising the dead: Extending evolutionary algorithms with a case-based memory. Lecture notes in computer science, 2038, 280-290.
  9.   Articles dans des revues sans comité de lecture (1)

  10. 1. Piron, A., Szymczak, F., De Oliveira Alvelos, M., Defrance, M., Lenaerts, T., Eizirik, D. L., & Cnop, M. (2022). RedRibbon: A new rank-rank hypergeometric overlap pipeline to compare gene and transcript expression signatures. BioRxiv. doi:
  11.   Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (47)

  12. 1. Aler Tubella, A., Coelho Mollo, D., Dahlgren Lindström, A., Devinney, H., Dignum, V., Ericson, P., Jonsson, A., Kampik, T., Lenaerts, T., Mendez, J. A., & Nieves, J. C. (2023). ACROCPoLis: A Descriptive Framework for Making Sense of Fairness. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, FAccT 2023 (pp. 1014-1025) Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3593013.3594059
  13. 2. Nachtegael, C., De Stefani, J., & Lenaerts, T. (2023). ALAMBIC: Active Learning Automation with Methods to Battle Inefficient Curation. In Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations (17 ed., pp. 117--127) Association for Computational Linguistics.
  14. 3. Abels, A., Lenaerts, T., Trianni, V., & Nowe, A. (2023). Expertise Trees Resolve Knowledge Limitations in Collective Decision-Making. In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning: ICML'23: Vol. 202 (pp. 79-90). (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research). PMLR.

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