Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (214)

  1. 178. Godaux, E., Mettens, P., & Chéron, G. (1993). Differential effect of injections of kainic acid into the prepositus and the vestibular nuclei of the cat. Journal of physiology, 472(1), 459-482. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.1993.sp019956
  2. 179. Godaux, E., & Chéron, G. (1993). The role of the vestibular commissure in the gaze holding of the cat. Neuroscience letters, 153(2), 149-152.
  3. 180. Chéron, G., Mettens, P., & Godaux, E. (1992). Gaze holding defect induced by injections of ketamine in the cat brainstem. NeuroReport, 3(1), 97-100.
  4. 181. Chéron, G., & Borenstein, S. (1992). Mental movement simulation affects the N30 frontal component of the somatosensory evoked potential. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 84(3), 288-292.
  5. 182. Chéron, G., & Borenstein, S. (1991). Gating of the early components of the frontal and parietal somatosensory evoked potentials in different sensory-motor interference modalities. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 80(6), 522-530. doi:10.1016/0168-5597(91)90134-J
  6. 183. Godaux, E., Chéron, G., & Mettens, P. (1990). Ketamine induces failure of the oculomotor neural integrator in the cat. Neuroscience letters, 116(1-2), 162-167.
  7. 184. Chéron, G. (1990). Effect of incisions in the brainstem commissural network on the short-term vestibulo-ocular adaptation of the cat. Journal of vestibular research, 1(3), 223-239.
  8. 185. Mettens, P., Godaux, E., & Chéron, G. (1990). Effects of ketamine on ocular movements of the cat. Journal of vestibular research, 1(4), 325-338.
  9. 186. Godaux, E., Chéron, G., & Gravis, F. (1989). Eye movements evoked by microstimulations in the brainstem of the alert cat. Experimental Brain Research, 77(1), 94-102.
  10. 187. Borenstein, S., Chéron, G., Toscano-Aguilar, M., & Ludwig, M. (1988). Etude comparative de l'amplitude, de la surface et de la durée des ondes pré- et postimpératives de la VCN chez un groupe de 40 schizophrènes et schizo-affectifs par rapport à des sujets normaux. Neurophysiologie clinique, 18(2), 129-140. doi:10.1016/S0987-7053(88)80118-7
  11. 188. Chéron, G., & Godaux, E. (1987). Disabling of the oculomotor neural integrator by kainic acid injections in the prepositus-vestibular complex of the cat. Journal of physiology, 394(1), 267-290. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.1987.sp016870
  12. 189. Chéron, G., & Borenstein, S. (1987). Specific gating of the early somatosensory evoked potentials during active movement. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 67(6), 537-548. doi:10.1016/0013-4694(87)90056-3

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