Ouvrages édités à titre de seul éditeur ou en collaboration (2)

  1. 1. Van Sint Jan, S., Feipel, V., Aerenhouts, D., Baeyens, J., Carpentier, A., Cattrysse, E., Clarys, J., Duchateau, J., Guissard, N., Leloup, T., Provyn, S., Rooze, M., Scafoglieri, A., Schuind, F., Van Roy, P., & Warzée, N. (2011). XXIIIrd congress of the International Society of Biomechanics - ISB2011 Conference book – Programme & Abstracts.
  2. 2. Van Sint Jan, S., Feipel, V., Aerenhouts, D., Baeyens, J., Carpentier, A., Cattrysse, E., Clarys, J., Duchateau, J., Guissard, N., Leloup, T., Provyn, S., Rooze, M., Scafoglieri, A., Schuind, F., Van Roy, P., & Warzée, N. (2011). ISB 2011 Conference book.
  3.   Parties d'ouvrages collectifs (8)

  4. 1. Feipel, V. (2016). Préface. In B. Bonnechere & E. Bouancheaux (Eds.), Guide pratique du mémoire et autres TFE: Rédaction et Soutenance. Bruxelles: La Charte - Professional Publishing.(24h00 CHROKNOW).
  5. 2. Feipel, V. (2013). Anatomy of the Carpal Ligaments. In E. Camus & L. Van Overstraeten (Eds.), Carpal Ligament Surgery: Before arthritis (1 ed., pp. 3-17). Paris: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-2-8178-0379-1_1
  6. 3. Feipel, V. (2009). Anatomie des ligaments du carpe. In L. Van Overstraeten & E. Camus (Eds.), La chirurgie ligamentaire du carpe (pp. 13-24). Montpellier: Sauramps Médical.
  7. 4. Feipel, V., Dugailly, P.-M., & Rooze, M. (2000). Cinématique du rachis cervical. In Imagerie du rachis cervical (pp. 35-42). Monpellier: Sauramps Médical.
  8. 5. Schuind, F., Alemzadeh, S., Dhaene, F., & Feipel, V. (1997). New technique: reconstruction of the scapholunate interosseous ligament using a vascularized flap of the interosseous membrane. In P. Saffar, Amadio, & G. Foucher (Eds.), Current Practice in Hand Surgery (pp. 299-305). London: Martin Dunitz Publishers.
  9. 6. Feipel, V., Rooze, M., Louryan, S., & Lemort, M. (1993). Functional anatomy of the carpus in radio-ulnar deviations and in flexion and extension: A bi- and three-dimensional CT study. In F. Schuind, K. An, Cooney, & Garcia-Elias (Eds.), Advances in the Biomechanics of Hand and Wrist (pp. 255-270). New York: Plenum Publishing Co.(NATO Meeting/ASI series).
  10. 7. Rooze, M., Louryan, S., & Feipel, V. (1992). Anatomie utile du poignet. In S. Sintzoff (Ed.), Imagerie du Poignet (1 ed., pp. 1-22). Paris: Masson.
  11. 8. Rooze, M., & Feipel, V. (1992). Eléments d'anatomie fonctionnelle du rachis thoraco-lombaire. In P. Lucas & M. Stehman (Eds.), Traumatismes dorso - lombaire. varia. Actualités du dommage corporel. (pp. 13-47). JURIDOC.(collection médico - légale).
  12.   Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (145)

  13. 1. Bernal Castillo, F., Feipel, V., & Plaza Torres, M. (2024). Kinect-based gait analysis system design and concurrent validity in persons with anterolateral shoulder pain syndrome.: Results from a pilot study. Sensors., sensors-2854130.
  14. 2. Nguyen, H., Vandewalle, G., Mertens, B., Collard, J.-F., Hinsenkamp, M., Verschaeve, L., Feipel, V., Magne, I., Souques, M., Beauvois, V., & Ledent, M. (2024). Exposure assessment and cytogenetic biomonitoring study of workers occupationally exposed to extremely low‐frequency magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics, 1-21. doi:10.1002/bem.22506

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