Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (135)

  1. 112. Salvia, P., Lebrun, J., Rooze, M., & Feipel, V. (2002). Reliability of lumbar kinematics measurements using a 6-degrees-of-freedom electrogoniometer. Archives of physiology and biochemistry,(110), 73.
  2. 113. Feipel, V., Aubin, C.-E., Ciolofan, O. O., Beauséjour, M., Labelle, H., & Mathieu, P. A. (2001). Electromyographie et analyse cinématique du tronc lors de l’inflexion latérale chez des adolescents atteints de scoliose idiopathique. Radiologie J. CEPUR. Vol. 21 (pp. 135-136) 1. Réunion annuelle du Rachis 50(Mars 2001: Molsheim (F)).
  3. 114. Feipel, V., Aubin, C.-E., Ciolofan, O. C., Beauséjour, M., Labelle, H., & Mathieu, P. A. (2001). EMG and nearly segmental kinematic analysis during lateral bendingin the preoperative evaluation of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Proceeding of the XVIIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (p. 113) XVIIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics(juillet 2001: Zurich (CH)).
  4. 115. Feipel, V., Dourdoufis, M., Salvia, P., & Rooze, M. (2001). Relationship between wrist morphology and 3D kinematics. Proceeding of the XVIIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (p. 353) XVIIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics(juillet 2001: Zurich (CH)).
  5. 116. Salvia, P., De Mesmaeker, T., Lubanzadio-Mengi, P., Choloukha, V., Klein, P., Feipel, V., & Rooze, M. (2001). Clinical measurement of three-dimensional movement of the wrist: a reliability study. Proceeding of the XVIIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (p. 107) XVIIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics(juillet 2001: Zurich (CH)).
  6. 117. Ciolofan, O. C., Aubin, C.-E., Feipel, V., Beauséjour, M., Labelle, H., & Mathieu, P. A. (2001). EMG activity and kinematic analysis of the trunk during dynamic lateral bending in healthy and scoliotic subjects. Proceedings of Progress in Motor Control III (p. 63) Progress in Motor Control III(août 2001: Montréal (Ca)).
  7. 118. Mac-Thiong, J.-M., Labelle, H., Feipel, V., Rooze, M., & Aubin, C.-E. (2001). Insertion de vis pédiculaires thoraciques à l’aide d’un guide transpédiculaire: étude cadavérique. Compte rendu de la 31e Réunion annuelle de la Société pour la Scoliose du Québec 2001 (p. 2) 31e Réunion annuelle de la Société de la Scoliose du Québec(Septembre 2001: Mont-Tremblant (Ca)).
  8. 119. Ciolofan, O. C., Aubin, C.-E., Mathieu, P. A., Feipel, V., Beauséjour, M., & Labelle, H. (2001). Cinématique et EMG du tronc chez des sujets sains et scoliotiques lors d’un test d’inflexion latérale dynamique. Compte rendu de la 31e Réunion annuelle de la Société pour la Scoliose du Québec 2001 (p. 16) 31e Réunion annuelle de la Société de la Scoliose du Québec – Mont-Tremblant (Ca) – Septembre 2001(Septembre 2001: Mont-Tremblant (Ca)).
  9. 120. Zoabli, G., Mathieu, P. A., Aubin, C.-E., Tinlot, A., Beauséjour, M., Feipel, V., & Malanda, A. (2001). Assessment of manual segmentation of magnetic resonance images of skeletal muscles. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE/EMBS 2001 (pp. 2685-2687) 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(octobre 2001: Istanbul (T)).
  10. 121. Dugailly, P.-M., Brassine, E., Pirotte, E., Mouraux, D., Feipel, V., & Klein, P. (2001). Isokinetic hip muscles performance in normal subjects. Archives of physiology and biochemistry,(109), 69.
  11. 122. Salvia, P., Baillon, B., Debouck, C., Feipel, V., Van Sint Jan, S., David, J. H., Klein, P., & Rooze, M. (2000). Patellar kinematics and muscular moment arms after high tibial osteotomy simulation. Proceedings of the 18th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (Dublin (Irlande))
  12. 123. Van Geyt, B., Feipel, V., Dugailly, P.-M., Lepers, Y., Rooze, M., & Klein, P. (2000). Three-dimensional kinematics of the cervical spine before, during andafter a cervical manipulation performed by different manipulators. Proceedings of the 12 th ESB Conference (p. 126) 12 th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics(Août 2000: Dublin (Ir)).

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