Résumé : In the context of the investigations on the origin and in vitro production of bioactive compounds, primary cultures were developed from ectosomal and choanosomal cell suspensions from the sponge Xestospongia muta. Dissociated cells aggregated and reorganized into a striking reticulated network of cells, typical for X. muta. Moreover, in some cultures an isotropic reticulation of small spicules, very similar to that found in the ectosome of adult sponges, was observed. Phytohaemagglutinin promoted aggregation and the reorganization of the cells. HPLC analyses revealed that straight-chain acetylenic compounds were recovered from short-term cultures and that they were synthesized during culture. Heterotrophic bacteria were assumed to be involved in the process. Together our results established that X. muta would be an excellent experimental model to study, in laboratory conditions, the differentiation of the skeleton and the in vitro biosynthesis of straight-chain acetylenic compounds. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.