Travail de recherche/Working paper
Résumé : Most research on international climate finance and the private sector has focused on tracking the private sector’s contribution the ‘100 billion USD goal’ within the UNFCCC context. In recent years, it has become evident that the range of actual and potential contributions of private actors from developed countries to support developing countries is far broader than ‘publicly mobilized’ private climate finance. The research presented here takes a north-south scope focusing on Belgium. In this study, after a brief theoretical framework, we offer qualitative data from interviews assessing the involvement of Belgian-based private entities in climate-relevant activities in developing countries. With an actors-based perspective we first observed some perceived opportunities, and several barriers, such as particular finance access issues for small project developers. Then we found that in both mitigation and adaptation a wide range of private actors in Belgium – from households to small and large companies through the financial sector - already contribute with varying degrees to International Private Climate Finance (IPCF) in different sectors. Hence, they participate to address climate-related investment needs in developing countries.