Résumé : Lipid‐modified carbon paste electrodes were electrochemically characterized and their potential for drug analysis was compared with conventional carbon paste electrodes. The presence of lipids (phospholipids, fatty acids) in the paste matrix provided enhanced current responses with improved reproducibility. With 5 minutes of accumulation, phenothiazines exhibit a 40‐fold enhancement of the response compared to that obtained without accumulation. As a result, a detection limit of 1 × 10−9 M was attained. The response was characterized with respect to pH, preconcentration potential, accumulation time, paste composition, possible interferences, and other variables. The determination of the tranquilizer in serum and urine required no preliminary treatment other than dilution with phosphate buffer and medium exchange. Detection limits are 5 × 10−8 M in urine and 2 × 10−7 M in serum. Copyright © 1989 VCH Publishers, Inc.