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    List of publications of Alessia CUCCURULLO

      Peer-reviewed journal articles (5)

  1. 1. Saif, A., Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Perlot, C., & Bruno, A. W. (2022). Advances in Enzyme Induced Carbonate Precipitation and Application to Soil Improvement: A Review. Materials, 15(3), 950. doi:10.3390/ma15030950
  2. 2. Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A. W., Augarde, C., Hughes, P., & La Borderie, C. (2021). A comparative study of the effects of particle grading and compaction effort on the strength and stiffness of earth building materials at different humidity levels. Construction & building materials, 306, 124770. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.124770
  3. 3. Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A. W., Augarde, C., Hughes, P., & La Borderie, C. (2020). Earth stabilisation via carbonate precipitation by plant-derived urease for building applications. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 30, 100230. doi:10.1016/j.gete.2020.100230
  4. 4. Tarantino, A., El Mountassir, G., Wheeler, S., Gallipoli, D., Russo, G., Augarde, C., Urciuoli, G., Pirone, M., Stokes, A., van de Kuilen, J. W., Gard, W., Fourcaud, T., Romero, E., Priegue, A., Smith, C. C., Larrey-Lassalle, P., Becker, P., Ferrari, A., Dainese, R., Salifu, E., Beber, R., Scarfone, R., Cuccurullo, A., Coudert, E., Dias, S., Mmuguda-Viswanath, S., Rossi, L. M., Kamath, A., Fraccica, A., Karagianni, P., González Castejón, J., Ouakka, S., Zannin, J., & Speranza, G. (2020). TERRE project: interplay between unsaturated soil mechanics and low-carbon geotechnical engineering. E3S Web of Conferences, 195, 01002. doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202019501002
  5. 5. Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A. W., Augarde, C., Hughes, P., & La Borderie, C. (2019). Influence of particle grading on the hygromechanical properties of hypercompacted earth. Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, 5(1). doi:10.1007/s41024-019-0066-4
  6.   Papers published in national and international conferences or symposium proceedings (7)

  7. 1. Cuccurullo, A., Mmuguda-Viswanath, S., Perlot, C., Gallipoli, D., Hughes, P., & Augarde, C. (2022). Comparison of EICP and biopolymer stabilisation for improving strength parameters of soil-based building materials. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Geomechanics and Geo-environmental Engineering ICGMGE2022(2022: Sidney (Australia))
  8. 2. Cuccurullo, A., Guillen, L., Thiery, Y., Perlot, C., Bruno, A. W., Garnier, C., & Gallipoli, D. (2022). Characterisation of coastal landslides in the Basque Country of France. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Geomechanics and Geo-environmental Engineering ICGMGE2022(2022: Sidney (Australia))
  9. 3. Guillen, L., Caritg, S., Bourbon, P., Dewez, T., Levy, C., Cuccurullo, A., Garnier, C., Gallipoli, D., & Thiery, Y. (2021). From local to regional 3D litho-structural modelling: a methodology towards multi-scale landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. GU21-14076) EGU General Assembly 2021(2021).
  10. 4. Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A. W., Augarde, C., Hughes, P., & La Borderie, C. (2020). Soil Stabilization Against Water Erosion via Calcite Precipitation by Plant-Derived Urease. In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering book series: Vol. 40 (p. 753–762) Springer, Cham.
  11. 5. Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A. W., Augarde, C., Hughes, P., & La Borderie, C. (2019). Advances in the enzymatic stabilisation of soils. Proceedings of the XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Reykjavik (Iceland))
  12. 6. Mmuguda-Viswanath, S., Lucas, G., Hughes, P., Augarde, C., Cuccurullo, A., Bruno, A. W., Perlot, C., & Gallipoli, D. (2019). Advances in biologically-stabilised earthen construction materials. In , (pp. 191-201). (Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering book series). Earthen Dwellings and Structures: Springer, Singapore.
  13. 7. Cuccurullo, A., Gallipoli, D., Bruno, A. W., Augarde, C., Hughes, P., & La Borderie, C. (2018). The role of particle size distribution and suction on hyper-compacted earth material shear strength. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils (UNSAT2018) (2018: Hong Kong, China)

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