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    List of publications of Philippe BOUILLARD

      Books published in collaboration (2)

  1. 1. Bouillard, P., & Diez, P. (2009). Adaptive modeling and simulation. Barcelona: CIMNE.
  2. 2. Bouillard, P., & Lemaire, J. C. (2005). L'apprentissage des sciences en question(s). Bruxelles: Espace de Libertés.
  3.   Works published as editor or in collaboration (1)

  4. 1. Bouillard, P., Rammer, Y., & Vantomme, J. (2008). Structural design of constructions subjected to exceptional or accidental actions. Bruxelles: Presses universitaires de Bruxelles.
  5.   Contributions to collective works (8)

  6. 1. Richardson, J. N., Adriaenssens, S., Filomeno Coelho, R., & Bouillard, P. (2014). Discrete topology optimization: connectivity for gridshells. In Shell Structures for Architecture - Form Finding and Optimization. Routledge Architecture/Taylor & Francis. doi:10.4324/9781315849270
  7. 2. Bouillard, P., Menchel, K., Santafé, B., & Massart, T. (2008). Progressive collapse simulation techniques for RC structures. In J. Vantomme, J. Vantomme, & J. Vantomme (Eds.), Structural Design of Constructions subjected to exceptional or accidental actions (pp. 92-114). Bruxelles: Presses universitaires de Bruxelles.
  8. 3. Massart, T., Peerlings, R., Geers, M., & Bouillard, P. (2006). A multi-scale computational approach for the fracture behaviour of quasi-brittle materials. In B. Topping (Ed.), Innovation in computational structures technology (pp. 303-324). Stirlingshire, Scotland: Saxe-Coburg Publications.
  9. 4. Bouillard, P., Mertens, T., Hazard, L., & Villon, P. F. (2006). Les méthodes numériques alternatives pour la simulation de la propagation des ondes à moyennes fréquences. In P. Breitkopf (Ed.), La méthode des éléments finis: extensions et alternatives (pp. 349-382). Paris: Hermes Science.(Traité mécanique et ingénierie des matériaux).
  10. 5. Bouillard, P., Mertens, T., & Massart, T. (2004). Numerical modeling of wave propagation in the medium frequency range: overview and trends. In B. Topping & C. Mota Soares (Eds.), Progress in Computational Structures Technology (pp. 59-76). Saxe-Coburg Publications.
  11. 6. Filomeno Coelho, R., Bouillard, P., & Bersini, H. (2004). PAMUC - A new method to handle with constraints and multiobjectivity in evolutionary algorithms. In A. Osyczka & T. Burczynski (Eds.), IUTAM Symposium on Evolutionary Methods in Mechanics (pp. 91-100). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
  12. 7. Chau, A., Lambert, P., Delchambre, A., & Bouillard, P. (2003). Behaviour of Flexure Hinges for Use as Articulations in High Precision Mechanisms. In H. Knobloch & Y. Kaminorz (Eds.), MicroNano Integration (pp. 287-288). Postdam: Springer.(VDI-Buch). doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18727-8_42
  13. 8. Bouillard, P., & Ihlenburg, F. (1998). Error estimation and adaptivity for the finite element solution in acoustics. In P. Ladevèze & J. T. Oden (Eds.), Advances in Adaptive Computational Methods in Mechanics (pp. 477-492). Elsevier.
  14.   Peer-reviewed journal articles (72)

  15. 1. Ooghe, V., Athanassiadis, A., Van Der Linden, M., Hermesse, J., & Bouillard, P. (2019). WIM project: Wood flow analysis in Heyvaert district. I O P Conference Series: Earth and Environment, 225(1), 012054. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012054

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