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    List of publications of Ahmed Z. KHAN

      Books published in collaboration (2)

  1. 1. Ranzato, M., Moretto, L., & Khan, A. Z. (2018). Metabolism of an emerging town in Ethiopia: The case of Amdework. Berlin: JOVIS.
  2. 2. Segers, R., Van den Broeck, P., Khan, A. Z., Moulaert, F., Schreurs, J., de Meulder, B., Miciukiewicz, K., Vigar, G., & Madanipour, A. (2016). The Spindus Handbook for Spatial Quality: A Relational Approach. Brussels: ASP: Academic and Scientific Publishers.
  3.   Works published as editor or in collaboration (6)

  4. 1. Mansuy, J., Verga, G. C., Pel, B., Khan, A. Z., Achten, W., Callorda Fossati, E., Bauler, T., Lebeau, P., & Macharis, C. (2022). Transitioning to a circular economy: Changing Business Models and Business Ecosystems. doi:10.46944/9789461173942
  5. 2. Cambier, C., De Temmerman, N., Khan, A. Z., Grulois, G., Galle, W., et al. (2018). DS2BE Book of Abstracts: Circularity. Brussels: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Architectonische Ingenieurswetenschappen.
  6. 3. Khan, A. Z., & Allacker, K. (2015). Architecture and Sustainability: Critical Perspectives for Integrated Design. Leuven and Den Haag: ACCO Press.
  7. 4. Khan, A. Z., Quynh, L., Corijn, E., & Canters, F. (2013). Sustainability in Coastal Urban Environment: Thematic profiles of Resources and their Users. Rome: Sapienza university Press.
  8. 5. Segers, R., Van den Broeck, P., Khan, A. Z., Moulaert, F., Schreurs, J., de Meulder, B., Miciukiewicz, K., Vigar, G., & Madanipour, A. (2013). Handboek Ruimtelijke Kwaliteit: praktische methoden voor de beoordeling, implementatie en evaluatie van ruimetelijke kwaliteit. Brussels: Academic and Scientfic Publishers nv.
  9. 6. Khan, A. Z., Quynh, L., Canters, F., & Corijn, E. (2013). Environmental Conflicts in Coastal Urban Areas: Towards a Strategic Assessment Framework for Sustainable Development. Rome: Sapienza University Press.
  10.   Contributions to collective works (47)

  11. 1. Verga, G. C., & Khan, A. Z. (2022). Factors impacting the transitioning to a circular economy in an industry: the example of the construction sector. In Factors impacting the transitioning to a circular economy in an industry: the example of the construction sector, Transitioning to a Circular Economy. Changing Business Models and Business Ecosystems (1 ed., pp. 127-172). Brussels, Belgium: ASP Academic and Scientific Publishers. doi:10.46944/9789461173942
  12. 2. Verga, G. C., & Khan, A. Z. (2022). An introduction to the circular economy. In An introduction to the circular economy, Vol. 1. Transitioning to a circular economy (1 ed., pp. 15-47). Brussels, Belgium: ASP Academic and Scientific Publishers. doi:10.46944/9789461173942
  13. 3. Wouters, A., Khan, A. Z., & Macharis, C. (2022). Conclusion. In J. Mansuy & G. C. Verga (Eds.), Transitioning to a Circular Economy: Changing Business Models and Business Ecosystems (pp. 217-222). Brussels: ASP Academic and Scientific Publishers. doi:10.46944/9789461173942
  14. 4. Tola, T. T., Khan, A. Z., & Wegayehu, F. (2021). Urban Resilience and the Question of Food in Ethiopian Urbanization: The Case of a Small Town in Ethiopia - Amdework. In G. Faldi, A. Fisher, & L. Moretto (Eds.), African Cities Through Local Eyes: Experiments in Place-Based Planning and Design (pp. 173-190). Cham.: Springer. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-84906-1

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