Peer-reviewed journal articles (88)

  1. 60. Marechal, Y., Pesesse, X., Jia, Y., Pouillon, V., Perez-Morga, D., Daniel, J., Izui, S., Cullen, P. J., Leo, O., Luo, H. R., Erneux, C., & Schurmans, S. (2007). Inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate controls proapoptotic Bim gene expression and survival in B cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(35), 13978-13983. doi:10.1073/pnas.0704312104
  2. 61. Felu, C., Pasture, J., Pays, E., & Perez-Morga, D. (2007). Diagnostic potential of a conserved genomic rearrangement in the Trypanosoma brucei gambiense-specific TGSGP locus. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 76(5), 922-929.
  3. 62. Devaux, S., Kelly, S., Lecordier, L., Wickstead, B., Perez-Morga, D., Pays, E., Vanhamme, L., & Gull, K. (2007). Diversification of function by different isoforms of conventionally shared RNA polymerase subunits. Molecular biology of the cell, 18(4), 1293-1301. doi:10.1091/mbc.E06-09-0841
  4. 63. Vanhollebeke, B., Lecordier, L., Perez-Morga, D., Amiguet Vercher, A., & Pays, E. (2007). Human serum lyses Trypanosoma brucei by triggering uncontrolled swelling of the parasite lysosome. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, 54(5), 448-451. doi:10.1111/j.1550-7408.2007.00285.x
  5. 64. Perez-Morga, D. (2007). Le facteur trypanolytique du sérum humain. Bulletin et mémoires de l'Académie royale de médecine de Belgique, 162, 381-386.
  6. 65. Perez-Morga, D. (2007). Résistance à l'infection par les trypanosomes Africains chez l'homme. Bulletin et mémoires de l'Académie royale de médecine de Belgique, 162(7-9), 381-386; discussion 386.
  7. 66. Pays, E., Vanhollebeke, B., Vanhamme, L., Hanocq, F., Nolan, D., & Perez-Morga, D. (2006). The trypanolytic factor of human serum. Nature review, Microbiology, 4(6), 477-486. doi:10.1038/nrmicro1428
  8. 67. Perez-Morga, D., Vanhollebeke, B., Hanocq, F., Nolan, D., Lins, L., Homblé, F., Vanhamme, L., Tebabi, P., Pays Deschutter, A., Poelvoorde, P., Jacquet, A., Brasseur, R., & Pays, E. (2005). Apolipoprotein L-I promotes trypanosome lysis by forming pores in lysosomal membranes. Science, 309(5733), 469-472. doi:10.1126/science.1114566
  9. 68. Pays, E., Vanhamme, L., & Perez-Morga, D. (2004). Antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei: facts, challenges and mysteries. Current opinion in microbiology, 7(4), 369-374. doi:10.1016/j.mib.2004.05.001
  10. 69. Amiguet Vercher, A., Perez-Morga, D., Pays Deschutter, A., Poelvoorde, P., Van Xong, H., Tebabi, P., Vanhamme, L., & Pays, E. (2004). Loss of the mono-allelic control of the VSG expression sites during the development of Trypanosoma brucei in the bloodstream. Molecular microbiology, 51(6), 1577-1588. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2003.03937.x
  11. 70. García-Salcedo, J. A., Perez-Morga, D., Gijón, P., Dilbeck, V., Pays, E., & Nolan, D. (2004). A differential role for actin during the life cycle of Trypanosoma brucei. EMBO journal, 23(4), 780-789. doi:10.1038/sj.emboj.7600094
  12. 71. Radwanska, M., Claes, F., Magez, S., Magnus, E., Perez-Morga, D., Pays, E., & Büscher, P. (2002). Novel primer sequences for polymerase chain reaction-based detection of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 67(3), 289-295.
  13. 72. Pays, E., Lips, S., Nolan, D., Vanhamme, L., & Perez-Morga, D. (2001). The VSG expression sites of Trypanosoma brucei: multipurpose tools for the adaptation of the parasite to mammalian hosts. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 114(1), 1-16. doi:10.1016/S0166-6851(01)00242-0
  14. 73. Berberof, M., Perez-Morga, D., & Pays, E. (2001). A receptor-like flagellar pocket glycoprotein specific to Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 113(1), 127-138.
  15. 74. Perez-Morga, D., Amiguet Vercher, A., Vermijlen, D., & Pays, E. (2001). Organization of telomeres during the cell and life cycles of Trypanosoma brucei. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, 48(2), 221-226. doi:10.1111/j.1550-7408.2001.tb00306.x
  16. 75. Ismaili, N., Perez-Morga, D., Walsh, P., Cadogan, M., Pays Deschutter, A., Tebabi, P., & Pays, E. (2000). Characterization of a Trypanosoma brucei SR domain-containing protein bearing homology to cis-spliceosomal U1 70 kDa proteins. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 106(1), 109-120.
  17. 76. Ismaili, N., Perez-Morga, D., Walsh, P., Mayeda, A., Pays Deschutter, A., Tebabi, P., Krainer, A. R., & Pays, E. (1999). Characterization of a SR protein from Trypanosoma brucei with homology to RNA-binding cis-splicing proteins. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 102(1), 103-115.
  18. 77. Perez-Morga, D., & Pays, E. (1999). A protein linked to mitochondrion development in Trypanosoma brucei. Molecular and biochemical parasitology, 101(1-2), 161-172.
  19. 78. Pirson, I., Jacobs, C., Vandenbroere, I., El Housni, H., Dumont, J. E., & Perez-Morga, D. (1999). Use of two-hybrid methodology for identifying proteins of interest in endocrinology. Molecular and cellular endocrinology, 151(1-2), 137-141. doi:10.1016/S0303-7207(99)00035-0
  20. 79. Vanhamme, L., Perez-Morga, D., Marchal, C., Speijer, D., Lambert, L., Geuskens, M., Alexandre, S., Ismaili, N., Göringer, U., Benne, R., & Pays, E. (1998). Trypanosoma brucei TBRGG1, a mitochondrial oligo(U)-binding protein that co-localizes with an in vitro RNA editing activity. The Journal of biological chemistry, 273(34), 21825-21833.

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