Miscellaneous (12)

  1. 7. Barbe, D., & Fisher, A. (2017). MODSCAPES. Official website.
  2. 8. Fisher, A. (2017). MODSCAPES Office.: Online collaboration platform.
  3. 9. Fisher, A., et al. (2016). MODSCAPES. Page Facebook.
  4. 10. Fisher, A. (2015). CLARA Architecture / Recherche: site web officiel.
  5. 11. Fisher, A. (2015). CLARA Architecture / Recherche: Page Facebook.
  6. 12. Fisher, A. (2013). Théorie du paysage.
  7.   Editor of books: chapters written by ULB members (5)

  8. 1. Hastaoglou-Martinidis,, V., Cardoso, A., Tenzon, M., & Veldi, M. (2024). "And There Arose a New World": Building Modernist Settlements. In A. Fisher, S. BELL, C. Pallini, & A. et (Eds.), 20th Century Modernist Landscapes. Routledge.
  9. 2. Korolija, A., Marcolin, P., Tenzon, M., & Veldi, M. (2024). Taming Nature: Technical Landscapes as a Unifying Framework. In A. Fisher, S. BELL, C. Pallini, & A. et (Eds.), 20th Century Modernist Landscapes. Routledge.
  10. 3. Pinto, M. M., Kühlmann, F., & Tenzon, M. (2024). Designing the Total Landscape. In A. Fisher, S. BELL, C. Pallini, & A. et (Eds.), 20th Century Modernist Rural Landscapes. Routledge.
  11. 4. Leloutre, G., Manaresi, P., & Macaluso, G. (2021). Learning from Selembao: Mboka Bilanga, a decentred approach of Congoleze extensive urbanization next to Kinshasa. In G. Faldi, A. Fisher, & L. Moretto (Eds.), African cities through local eyes: Experiments in Place-Based Planning and Design (1 ed., pp. 215-244). Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature.
  12. 5. Tola, T. T., Khan, A. Z., & Wegayehu, F. (2021). Urban Resilience and the Question of Food in Ethiopian Urbanization: The Case of a Small Town in Ethiopia - Amdework. In G. Faldi, A. Fisher, & L. Moretto (Eds.), African Cities Through Local Eyes: Experiments in Place-Based Planning and Design (pp. 173-190). Cham.: Springer. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-84906-1
  13.   Editor of conference proceedings: chapters written by ULB members (2)

  14. 1. Pinet, J.-F. (2018). Faire « parler » le bâti : évolution de la ruralité du Dendi (nord Bénin) à travers l’étude de l’environnement bâti. A paraitre THROUGH LOCAL EYES : Place-based approaches to emerging architectural, urban design and planning challenges in Africa and the Global South(2018-10-29 - 2018-10-31: Addis Ababa, Ethiopie)

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