Peer-reviewed journal articles (78)

  1. 76. Achten, W., Dondeyne, S., Mugogo, S., Kafiriti, E., Poesen, J., Deckers, J., & Muys, B. (2008). Gully erosion in South Eastern Tanzania: Spatial distribution and topographic thresholds. Zeitschrift fuer Geomorphologie, 52(2), 225-235.
  2. 77. Achten, W. (2008). Science journals have been slow to make themselves audible. Nature (London), 455(7213), 590.
  3. 78. Achten, W., Mathijs, E., Verchot, L., Singh, V., Aerts, R., & Muys, B. (2007). Jatropha biodiesel fueling sustainability? Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 1(4), 283-291. doi:10.1002/bbb.39
  4.   Non peer-reviewed journal articles (1)

  5. 1. Aerts, R., Dewaelheyns, V., & Achten, W. (2016). Potential ecosystem services of urban agriculture: a review. PeerJ preprints, 4, e2286v1.
  6.   Papers published in national and international conferences or symposium proceedings (12)

  7. 1. Decroly, G., Ben Hassen, R., Achten, W., Grimaldi, D., Gaspard, N., Devière, J., Delchambre, A., & Nonclercq, A. (2023). Strong Sustainability of Medical Technologies: A Medical Taboo? The Case of Disposable Endoscopes. Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (24-27 July 2023: Sydney, Australia) doi:10.1109/EMBC40787.2023.10341135
  8. 2. Pel, B., Achten, W., Khan, A. Z., & Bauler, T. (2018). Reconfiguring which systems?: An interdisciplinary reflection on units of analysis in the Circular Economy transition. Conference proceedings - Reconfiguring Consumption and Production Systems International Sustainability Transitions Conference(9th: June 11 - 14 2018: Manchester (UK))
  9. 3. Sureau, S., & Achten, W. (2018). Including governance and economic aspects to assess and explain social impacts: a methodological proposal for S-LCA. In Social LCA - People and Places for Partnership CIRAD.
  10. 4. Sureau, S., Achten, W., & Mazijn, B. B. (2016). How assessment criteria and indicators are defined and selected in Social LCA: a literature review. Book of Abstracts SLCA 2016 5th International Social LCA Conference(13-15 juin 2016: Harvard, Cambridge, USA)
  11. 5. Roffeis, M., Alves Valada, T., Muys, B., Mathijs, E., & Achten, W. (2015). Life cycle sustainability assessment and its application potential in the development of sustainable feed production systems – an ex-ante assessment of insect-based feed production. AgriFoodLCA AgriFoodLCA(23-24 nov 2015: Melbourne, Australia)
  12. 6. Almeida, J., Moonen, P., Achten, W., & Muys, B. (2013). Time Explicit Global Warming Potential of Jatropha Biofuel Production in Mali. Fulfilling LCA's Promise: Proceedings from the LCA XIII International Conference (pp. 68-77).
  13. 7. De Meyer, A., Almeida, J., Achten, W., Muys, B., & Van Orshoven, J. (2013). Incorporating Life Cycle Impact Assessment in a Mathematical Model to Optimize Strategic Decisions in Biomass-for-Bioenergy Supply Chains. Fulfilling LCA's Promise: Proceedings from the LCA XIII International Conference (pp. 24-33).
  14. 8. Muys, B., Achten, W., Verbist, B., Aerts, R., Kint, V., Hermy, M., Poppe, J., Marx, A., Van Orshoven, J., Verheyen, K., De Tavernier, J., Fanta, J., Van Rompaey, A., Vranken, L., Dondeyne, S., Lenaerts, L., & Nabuurs, G.-J. (2011). Conservation and management of forests for sustainable development: where science meets policy. Metaforum Visietekst (Leuven, Belgium)

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