Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (116)

  1. 82. Piagnerelli, M., Rapotec, A., Cotton, F., & Vincent, J. L. (2006). Iron Administration in the Critically III. Seminars in hematology, 43(SUPPL. 6), S23-S27. doi:10.1053/j.seminhematol.2006.08.007
  2. 83. Cotton, F., Vertongen, F., & Gulbis, B. (2006). Électrophorèse capillaire et hémoglobinopathies. Immuno analyse & biologie spécialisée, 21(1), 45-50. doi:10.1016/j.immbio.2005.11.002
  3. 84. Gulbis, B., Ferster, A., Cotton, F., Lebouchard, M.-P., Cochaux, P., & Vertongen, F. (2006). Neonatal haemoglobinopathy screening: review of a 10-year programme in Brussels. Journal of medical screening, 13(2), 76-78. doi:10.1258/096914106777589650
  4. 85. Macours, P., & Cotton, F. (2006). Improvement of HPLC separation of porphyrin isomers and application in biochemical diagnosis of porphyrias. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 44(12), 1433-1440.
  5. 86. Munyanganizi, R., Cotton, F., Vertongen, F., & Gulbis, B. (2006). Red blood cell disorders in Rwandese neonates: Screening for sickle cell disease and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Journal of medical screening, 13(3), 129-131. doi:10.1258/096914106778440626
  6. 87. Gulbis, B., Ferster, A., Kentos, A., N'Gay Munungi, D., Cotton, F., Ronge, E., Dresse, M.-F., Bradstreet, C., Cochaux, P., & Vertongen, F. (2005). La drépanocytose: une affection exotique ou un problème de santé publique en Belgique? Revue médicale de Bruxelles, 26(4), S309-S313.
  7. 88. Fermo, E., Bianchi, P., Chiarelli, L., Cotton, F., Vercellati, C., Writzl, K., Baker, K., Hann, I., Rodwell, R., Valentini, G., & Zanella, A. (2005). Red cell pyruvate kinase deficiency: 17 new mutations of the PK-LR gene. British journal of haematology, 129(6), 839-846. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2141.2005.05520.x
  8. 89. Kafando, E., Sawadogo, M., Cotton, F., Vertongen, F., & Gulbis, B. (2005). Neonatal screening for sickle cell disorders in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: A pilot study. Journal of medical screening, 12(3), 112-114. doi:10.1258/0969141054855300
  9. 90. Dumasy, V., Delhaye, M., Cotton, F., & Devière, J. (2004). Fat malabsorption screening in chronic pancreatitis. The American journal of gastroenterology, 99(7), 1350-1354. doi:10.1111/j.1572-0241.2004.30661.x
  10. 91. Boeynaems, J.-M., De Leener, A., Dessars, B., Rodriguez Villalobos, H., Aubry, J.-C., Cotton, F., & Thiry, P. (2004). Evaluation of a new generation of plastic evacuated blood-collectin tubes in clinical chemistry, therapeutic drug monitoring, hormone and trace metal analysis. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, 42(1), 67-71.
  11. 92. Gulbis, B., Fontaine, B., Vertongen, F., & Cotton, F. (2003). The place of capillary electrophoresis techniques in screening for haemoglobinopathies. Annals of clinical biochemistry, 40(6), 659-662. doi:10.1258/000456303770367261
  12. 93. Cotton, F., Wautrecht, J.-C., Lechevin, V., Macours, P., Thiry, P., Gervy Decoster, C., & Boeynaems, J.-M. (2003). Reference intervals for plasma homocysteine by the AxSYM immunoassay after collection in fluoride tubes. Clinical chemistry, 49(2), 315-317.

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