Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (39)

  1. 16. Belgrado, J.-P., Vandermeeren, L., Vankerckhove, S., Valsamis, J.-B., Malloizel-Delaunay, J., Moraine, J.-J., & Liebens, F. (2015). The occlusion pressure of the superficial lymphatic network: A near-infrared lymphofluoroscopic approach in the upper extremity of healthy volunteers. Poster présenté à la conférence 41th European Society of Lymphology Congress (04-06/06/2015: Lausanne, Suisse).
  2. 17. Thomet, C., Belgrado, J.-P., Vankerckhove, S., Grijseels, S., De Smet, S., & Vandermeeren, L. (2015). The chondroepitrochlearis muscle: a rare cause of axillary vein thrombosis and lymphedema. Poster présenté à la conférence 41th European Society of Lymphology Congress (04-06/06/2015: Lausanne, Suisse).
  3. 18. Vandermeeren, L., Belgrado, J.-P., Vankerckhove, S., Valsamis, J.-B., & Liebens, F. (2014). Diagnostics and conservative treatment in lymphedema patients: New developments. Paper session presented at International symposium Venous stenting, Lymphedema, Spinal Cord protection, Diabetic foot (2014-12-13: Leuven).
  4. 19. Vandermeeren, L., Belgrado, J.-P., Valsamis, J.-B., Moraine, J.-J., & Deraemaecker, R. (2014). Lympho-fluoroscopy in cancer-related secondary lymphedema: From imaging to daily practice. Paper session presented at BLS Birmingham (05-06/10/2014: Birmingham).
  5. 20. Belgrado, J.-P., Vandermeeren, L., Valsamis, J.-B., Moraine, J.-J., & Deraemaecker, R. (2014). The role of Indocyanine Green lymphography in the physical treatment for lymphedema. Paper session presented at NLN Washington (04-07/09/2014: Washington).
  6. 21. Belgrado, J.-P., Vandermeeren, L., Valsamis, J.-B., Moraine, J.-J., & Deraemaecker, R. (2014). Lympho-fluoroscopy in cancer-related secondary lymphedema: From imaging to daily practice. Paper session presented at European Society of Lymphology (25-27/09/2014: Genoa).
  7. 22. Belgrado, J.-P., Vandermeeren, L., Valsamis, J.-B., Moraine, J.-J., & Deraemaecker, R. (2014). Lymphofuoroscopy as a helpful tool in early detection of subclinical cancer-related secondary lymphedema. Paper session presented at European Society of Lymphology (25-27/09/2014: Genoa).
  8. 23. Belgrado, J.-P., Vandermeeren, L., Valsamis, J.-B., Moraine, J.-J., & Deraemaecker, R. (2014). Manual lymphatic drainage: From imaging to daily practice. Paper session presented at European Society of Lymphology (25-27/09/2014: Genoa).
  9. 24. Belgrado, J.-P., Vandermeeren, L., Valsamis, J.-B., Moraine, J.-J., & Deraemaecker, R. (2014). The role of Indocyanine Green lymphography in the physical treatment for lymphedema. Paper session presented at European Society of Lymphology (25-27/09/2014: Genoa).
  10. 25. Belgrado, J.-P., Vandermeeren, L., Valsamis, J.-B., Moraine, J.-J., & Deraemaecker, R. (2014). Lymphofuoroscopy as a helpful tool in early detection of subclinical cancer-related secondary lymphedema. Paper session presented at NLN Washington (04-07/09/2014: Washington).
  11. 26. Belgrado, J.-P., Vandermeeren, L., Valsamis, J.-B., Moraine, J.-J., & Deraemaecker, R. (2014). Manual lymphatic drainage: From imaging to daily practice. Poster présenté à la conférence 11th National Lymphedema Network Congress (04-07/09/2014: Washington, USA).
  12. 27. Belgrado, J.-P., Vandermeeren, L., Valsamis, J.-B., Moraine, J.-J., & Deraemaecker, R. (2014). Lympho-fluoroscopy in cancer-related secondary lymphedema: From imaging to daily practice. Poster présenté à la conférence 11th National Lymphedema Network Congress (04-07/09/2014: Washington, USA).

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