Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (70)

  1. 24. De Longueville, H., Clarisse, L., Franco, B., Whitburn, S., Clerbaux, C., Camy-Peyret, C., & Coheur, P. (2021). Detecting and assessing trends of CFCs and substitutes from IASI measurements. Paper session presented at EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite conference 2021 (20-24 September 2021: Bucharest, Romania).
  2. 25. Lecomte, G., Clarisse, L., Bauduin, S., Clerbaux, C., Franco, B., Hurtmans, D., & Coheur, P. (2021). Retrieval of fire plume heights from IR satellite measurements. Poster présenté à la conférence EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2021.
  3. 26. De Longueville, H., Clarisse, L., Hurtmans, D., Franco, B., Coheur, P., Boynard, A., Clerbaux, C., Hultberg, T., August, T., & Coppens, D. (2021). Use and impact of PCA-reconstructed radiances for atmospheric composition applications. Poster présenté à la conférence EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite conference 2021 (20-24 September 2021: Bucharest, Romania).
  4. 27. Wizenberg, T., Strong, K., Jones, D. B. A., Lutsch, E., Mahieu, E., Franco, B., & Clarisse, L. (2021). Observations of Extreme Wildfire Enhancements of CH3OH, HCOOH, and PAN over the Canadian High Arctic. Paper session presented at 16th IGAC Scientific Conference (12-17 September 2021: Manchester, UK).
  5. 28. Taraborrelli, D., Franco, B., Blumenstock, T., Cho, C., Clarisse, L., Clerbaux, C., Coheur, P., De Mazière, M., De Smedt, I., Dorn, H. P., Emmerichs, T., Fuchs, H., Griffith, D. W. T., Gromov, S. S., Hannigan, J. W., Hase, F., Hohaus, T., Jones, N., Kerkweg, A., Lutsch, E., Mahieu, E., Novelli, A., Reimer, D., Rosanka, S., Ortega, I., Paton-Walsh, C., Pommier, M., Pozzer, A., Sander, R., Schneider, M., Strong, K., Tillmann, R., Van Roozendael, M., Vereecken, L., Vigouroux, C., Wahner, A., & Kiendler-Scharr, A. (2021). A large source of formic acid from cloud droplets. Paper session presented at 16th IGAC Scientific Conference (12-17 September 2021: Manchester, UK).
  6. 29. Rosanka, S., Sander, R., Franco, B., Wespes, C., Wahner, A., & Taraborrelli, D. (2021). Oxidation of low-molecular weight organic compounds in cloud droplets: global impact on tropospheric oxidants and other trace gases. Poster présenté à la conférence 16th IGAC Scientific Conference (12-17 September 2021: Manchester, UK).
  7. 30. Clarisse, L., Van Damme, M., Hurtmans, D., Franco, B., Whitburn, S., Clerbaux, C., & Coheur, P. (2021). Temporal variations of atmospheric NH3 revealed from space: from intraday cycles to long-term global trends. Poster présenté à la conférence 16th IGAC Scientific Conference.
  8. 31. Stavrakou, T., Muller, J. F., Bauwens, M., Doumbia, T., Elguindi, N., Darras, S., Granier, C., De Smedt, I., Lerot, C., Van Roozendael, M., Franco, B., Clarisse, L., Clerbaux, C., Coheur, P., Liu, Y., Wang, T., Bouarar, I., Shi, X., Gaubert, B., Tilmes, S., & Brasseur, G. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on NOx and VOC levels over China based on multi-species satellite data and modeling. Poster présenté à la conférence 16th IGAC Scientific Conference (12-17 September 2021: Manchester, UK).
  9. 32. Franco, B., Clarisse, L., Van Damme, M., Hadji-Lazaro, J., Clerbaux, C., & Coheur, P. (2021). Anthropogenic point sources of ethylene revealed from space. Poster présenté à la conférence 16th IGAC Scientific Conference (12-17 September 2021: Manchester, UK).
  10. 33. Coheur, P., Clarisse, L., Van Damme, M., Franco, B., & Hurtmans, D. (2021). Atmospheric composition applicaitons with IASI and next-generation hyperspectral infrared sounders (IASI-NG and IRS). Paper session presented at 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
  11. 34. Franco, B., Rosanka, S., & Taraborrelli, D. (2021). A large source of formic acid in the atmosphere mediated by cloud droplets. Paper session presented at ACOM-NCAR Seminars (July 12, 2021: NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, USA).
  12. 35. De Longueville, H., Clarisse, L., Franco, B., Whitburn, S., Clerbaux, C., Camy-Peyret, C., & Coheur, P. (2021). Identification de gaz traces à court et à long temps de vie atmosphérique à partir de mesures du sondeur IASI/Metop-A. Poster présenté à la conférence Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire 2021 (28-30 June 2021: Rennes, France).

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