Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (28)

  1. 11. Gosse, J., Hoffreumon, C., van Zeebroeck, N., & Bughin, J. (2020). The Value of Platform Strategy It's the Ecosystem, Stupid! (Working Papers TIMES² No 2020-039).
  2. 12. Bughin, J., Kretschmer, T., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2019). From Experimentation to Strategy: The Role of Digital Technologies in Strategy Renewal. (Working Papers TIMES² No 2019-031).
  3. 13. Hoffreumon, C., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2018). Forecasting short-term transaction fees on a smart contracts platform. (Working Papers TIMES² No 2018-028).
  4. 14. van Zeebroeck, N., & Bughin, J. (2017). Platform play among incumbent firms: the wrong focus? (Working Papers TIMES² No 2017-023).
  5. 15. Venturini, R., Ceccagnoli, M. M., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2017). Knowledge Integration in the Shadow of Spillovers.
  6. 16. Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2017). The case for offensive reactions in response to digital disruption.
  7. 17. Kapoor, R. R., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2016). The laws of action and reaction: on determinants of patent disputes in European chemical and drug industries. (ICITE No WP 2016-019).
  8. 18. Ceccagnoli, M. M., van Zeebroeck, N., & Venturini, R. (2013). Cross-Functional Knowledge Integration, Patenting and Firm Performance. (SSRN Working Paper No 2286693).
  9. 19. van Zeebroeck, N. (2009). Filing strategies and the increasing duration of patent applications. (Working papers CEB No 09-005.RS).
  10. 20. van Zeebroeck, N. (2009). From patent renewals to applications survival: do portfolio management strategies play a role in patent length? (Working papers CEB No 09-028.RS).
  11. 21. van Zeebroeck, N., & Van Pottelsberghe, B. (2008). Filing strategies and patent value. (Working papers CEB No 08-016.RS).
  12. 22. van Zeebroeck, N., Van Pottelsberghe, B., & Guellec, D. (2008). Patents and Academic Research: A State of the Art. (Working papers CEB No 08-013.RS).

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