Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (53)

  1. 5. Bonal, M., Goetghebuer, L., Faust, K., Servais, P., Gonze, D., & George, I. (2018). First insight of microbial interactions between heterotrophic bacteria from river water. (p. 85) Proceedings of the Belgian Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting(19 October 2018: Brussels, Belgium).
  2. 6. Goetghebuer, L., Servais, P., & George, I. (2016). Characterization of the metabolic profile of river bacterial strains in pure and mixed cultures. (p. 37) Proceedings of the Belgian Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting(18 October 2016: Brussels, Belgium).
  3. 7. Servais, P., George, I., Anzil, A., Barjhoux, I., Labadie, P., Budzinski, H., & Fechner, L. (2016). Bacteria community structure in the Seine river (France): relationship with physico-chemical parameters and pollutants. (p. 28) Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology ISME-16(21-26 August 2016: Montréal, Canada).
  4. 8. George, I., Goetghebuer, L., Laport, M. S., & Bauwens, M. (2016). Antagonistic activity of marine sponge-associated bacteria collected at Wimereux (France) against clinical strains. (p. 27) Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology ISME-16(21-26 August 2016: Montréal, Canada).
  5. 9. Goetghebuer, L., Servais, P., & George, I. (2016). Can we predict the performance of synthetic river microbial communities based on single strain's carbon utilization profiles and initial community evenness? (p. 17) Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology ISME-16(Montréal, Canada).
  6. 10. Servais, P., George, I., Anzil, A., Barjhoux, I., Labadie, P., Budzinski, H., & Fechner, L. (2016). Bacterial community structure in the Seine river (France): relationship with physico-chemical parameters and pollutants.. Vol. 04 (p. 28) Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology ISME-16(21-29/08/2016: Montréal, Canada).
  7. 11. Barjhoux, I., Fechner, L., Lebrun, J., Anzil, A., Ayrault, S., Budzinski, H., Cachot, J., Charron, L., Chaumot, A., Clérendeau, C., Dedourge-Geffard, O., Faburé, J., François, A., Geffard, O., George, I., Labadie, P., Levi, Y., Munoz, G., Noury, P., Oziol, L., Quéau, H., Servais, P., Uher, E., Urien, N., & Geffard, A. (2016). Evaluation intégrée et multidisciplinaire de la qualité du milieu par l’approche “Weight-of-Evidence” : application à une étude de cas le long de la Seine (PIREN-Seine). Colloque de la Société Française d'Ecotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (SEFA) (29-30 Juin 2016: Reims, France)
  8. 12. Liles, M. R., Monsma, S., Bouhajja, E., Zhou, J., Pereira, A., Pfeifer, B., Wu, C., Agathos, S., George, I., & Mead, D. (2016). Exploring soil and sediment metagenomic libraries using function- and sequence-based approaches. Functional Metagenomics 2016 (25-28 September 2016: Inderøy, Norway.)
  9. 13. Goetghebuer, L., Servais, P., & George, I. (2016). Can we predict the performance of synthetic river microbial communities based on single strain's carbon utilization profiles and initial community evenness? Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology ISME-16: Book of Abstracts (pp. PS19-p. 17) (21-26 August 2016: Montréal, Canada).
  10. 14. Goetghebuer, L., Servais, P., & George, I. (2016). Characterization of the metabolic profile of river bacterial strains in pure and mixed cultures. Proceedings of the Belgian Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting (p. poster 37) (28th of October 2016: Brussels, Belgium).
  11. 15. George, I., Goetghebuer, L., Laport, M. S., & Bauwens, M. (2016). Antagonistic activity of marine sponge-associated bacteria collected at Wimereux (France) against clinical strains. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology ISME-16.: Book of Abstracts (pp. PS22-P.27) (21-26 August 2016: Montréal, Canada).
  12. 16. Goetghebuer, L., Servais, P., & George, I. (2015). Predicting the dynamics and biodegradation potential of river microbial communities in anthropized watersheds : a wet lab approach. Proceedings of the 6th Congress of European Microbiologists (p. 318) (7-11 June 2015: Maastricht, The Netherlands).

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