Peer-reviewed journal articles (21)

  1. 18. Aguirre-Sánchez-Beato, S., Mahieu, C., Godin, I., Gómez Sánchez, L., & Casini, A. (2015). Genre et intersectionnalité en promotion de la santé : enjeux théoriques et méthodologiques. La revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires.
  2. 19. Casini, A., Mahieu, C., Clays, E., Godin, I., & Kittel, F. (2014). Associations between lack of professional recognition and health indicators remain stable despite market uncertainty. The European health psychologist, 16, 419.
  3. 20. Peters, S., Mahieu, C., Salmon, A., Danse, C., De Viron, F., & Faulx, D. (2010). Recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning in French-speaking Belgium: Discourse and practices. Lifelong learning in Europe, 15(2), 119-128.
  4. 21. Mahieu, C., & Moens, F. (2003). De la libération de l'homme à la libéralisation de l'éducation: Le lifelong learning dans le discours et les pratiques européennes. Education et sociétés,(12), 33-55.
  5.   Non peer-reviewed journal articles (4)

  6. 1. Di Biagi, L., & Mahieu, C. (2022). Covid 2019: Quelles stratégies mises en place pour maintenir le lien avec les usagers? Addiction(s) (Fédération Addiction),(6), 50-53.
  7. 2. Defraine, F., Di Biagi, L., Buret, L. B., Vanderhofstadt, Q., Mellier, J., Jamart, H. H., Macq, J., Belche, J.-L. J., Aubouy, G. G., Brisack, S. S., Foucart, J., Bengoetxea, A., Van Durme, T. T., & Mahieu, C. (2021). La cascade des qualifications. Santé conjuguée,(94).
  8. 3. Deschamps, S., Francq, B., Mahieu, C., Scieur, P., & Vanneste, D. (2007). Les gouvernances des réseaux santé. Vers une politique de santé publique intégrée. Bruxelles Santé,, n° spécial 57-66.
  9. 4. Charlier, J.-E., Mahieu, C., & Moens, F. (2002). University whatever the age. From the social utopia to the constraint of effectiveness. Aristotelion Panepistemion Thessalonikes. Theologike Schole. Epistemonike Epeteris,(5), 73-92.
  10.   Translations (1)

  11. 1. Leonard, E., Letor, C., Mahieu, C., Taskin, L., & Vanneste, D. (2009). Théorie des organisations: De l'intérêt de perspectives multiples. Bruxelles: De Boeck.
  12.   Papers published in national and international conferences or symposium proceedings (9)

  13. 1. Onyeze-Joe, C., Mahieu, C., & Godin, I. (2019). Male partners’ information needs, information seeking behaviour,and decision-making during the first time pregnancy of theirfemale partners in Nigeria: a qualitative study (15) (PDF) A4 - Male partners’ information needs, information-seeking behaviour, and decision-making during the first time pregnancy of their female partners in Nigeria: a qualitative study. Doctoral School Day in Public Health(77(Suppl 1)), 7 (13 November 2019: Liège, Belgium).
  14. 2. Bensliman, R., Casini, A., & Mahieu, C. (2018). Innovation in home care sector and its impact on workers’ well-being: a participatory diagnosis. European journal of public health,(4), cky213.383.
  15. 3. Martini, J., Tijou Traoré, A., & Mahieu, C. (2016). Does chronicity necessarily lead to patient policy participation? Diabetes & HIV/AIDS cases in Mali. European journal of public health, Vol. 26(1), ckw167.006.

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