Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (133)

  1. 31. Aron, S., Mardulyn, P., & Leniaud, L. (2016). Evolution of reproductive traits in Cataglyphis desert ants: mating frequency, queen number and thelytoky. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, 70, (doi:10.1007/s00265-016-2144-9), 1367-1379. doi:10.1007/s00265-016-2144-9
  2. 32. Eyer, P.-A., Leniaud, L., Tinaut, A., & Aron, S. (2016). Combined hybridization and mitochondrial capture shape complex phylogeographic patterns in hybridogenetic Cataglyphis desert ants. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 105, 251-262. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2016.08.020
  3. 33. Norman, V., Darras, H., Tranter, C., Aron, S., & Hughes, W. O. (2016). Cryptic lineages hybridize for worker production in the harvester ant Messor barbarus. Biology letters, 12(11), 20160542. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2016.0542
  4. 34. Willot, Q., Simonis, P., Vigneron, J. P., & Aron, S. (2016). Total internal reflection accounts for the bright color of the saharan silver ant. PloS one, 11(4), e0152325. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152325
  5. 35. Aron, S., Lybaert, P., Baudoux, C., Vandervelden, M., & Fournier, D. (2016). Sperm production characteristics vary with level of sperm competition in Cataglyphis desert ants. Functional ecology, 30(4), 614-624.
  6. 36. Fournier, D., de Biseau D'Hauteville, J.-C., De Laet, S., Lenoir, A., Passera, L., & Aron, S. (2016). Social structure and genetic distance mediate nestmate recognition and aggressiveness in the facultative polygynous ant Pheidole pallidula. PloS one, 11(5), e0156440. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156440
  7. 37. Aron, S., Lybaert, P., Baudoux, C., Vandervelden, M., & Fournier, D. (2016). Sperm production characteristics vary with level of sperm competition in Cataglyphis desert ants. Functional ecology, 30(4), 614-624. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12533
  8. 38. Darras, H., & Aron, S. (2015). Introgression of mitochondrial DNA among lineages in a hybridogenetic ant. Biology letters, 11(2), 20140971. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2014.0971
  9. 39. Davila Garces, J. F., Cherasse, S., Boomsma, J. J., & Aron, S. (2015). Ant sperm storage organs do not have phenoloxidase constitutive immune activity. Journal of insect physiology, 78, 9-14. doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2015.04.005
  10. 40. Darrouzet, E., Gévar, J., Guignard, Q., & Aron, S. (2015). Production of Early Diploid Males by European Colonies of the Invasive Hornet Vespa velutina nigrithorax. PloS one,(10), e0136680. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0136680
  11. 41. Leniaud, L., Pearcy, M., Taheri, A., & Aron, S. (2015). Testing the genetic determination of the soldier caste in the silver ant. Insectes sociaux, 62(4), 517-524. doi:10.1007/s00040-015-0431-5
  12. 42. Darras, H., Kuhn, A., & Aron, S. (2014). Genetic determination of female castes in a hybridogenetic desert ant. Journal of evolutionary biology, 27, 2265-2271. doi:10.1111/jeb.12470

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