Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (5)

  1. 5. Levivier, M., Wikler, D., Goldman, S., David, P., Metens, T., Massager, N., Gerosa, M., Devriendt, D., Desmedt, F., Simon, S., Van Houtte, P., & Brotchi, J. (2000). Integration of the metabolic data of positron emission tomography (PET) in the dosimetry planning of radiosurgery with the leksell gamma knife (LGK): early experience with benign and malignant glial tumors. Paper session presented at Leksell Gamma Knife Society (April 14-18, 2000: Lake Tahoe, Ca (USA)).
  2.   Participation aux jurys de thèse (1)

  3. 1. Gnacadja, S. E. (2023). Monte-Carlo optimization of beam properties and dose conformation of small field proton therapy beamlines for beyond state-of-the-art eye treatment (Thèse doctorale non-publiée). Université libre de Bruxelles, Ecole polytechnique de Bruxelles – Physicien, Bruxelles.

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