Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (117)

  1. 63. Camby, I., Lefranc, F., Bruyneel, E., Brotchi, J., Salmon, I., Mareel, M., & Kiss, R. (2000). Gastrin-induced modifications of cell motility and invasion processes in rat and human high-grade astrocytic tumors. Poster présenté à la conférence International Congress of Neuropathology (XIVth: September 3-6: Birmingham - UK).
  2. 64. Camby, I., Decaestecker, C., Bovin, N. V., Salmon, I., Gabius, H.-J., & Kiss, R. (2000). Detection of distinct changes in binding capacity to saccharide epitopes for supratentorial astrocytic tumors. Poster présenté à la conférence International Congress of Neuropathology (XIVth: September 3-6, 2000: Birmingham - UK).
  3. 65. Evrard, L., Vanmuylder, N., Salmon, I., Herman, C., Rooze, M., Dourov, N., & Louryan, S. (2000). HSP110 is a marker of apoptosis in some physiological ans induced conditions. Paper session presented at The 3rd International Cell Death Symposium (3: May 6-9, 2000: Madrid).
  4. 66. Lasudry, J., Nagy, N., Noël, J. C., Petein, M., De Dobbeleer, G., & Salmon, I. (2000). Clinical significance of p53 overexpression and HPV infection in eyelid sebaceous gland carcinoma. Paper session presented at European Society of Ophtalmic Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery (Septembre 14-16, 2000: Paris).
  5. 67. Willermain, F., Caspers, L., Dubois, C., Salmon, I., Velu, T., & Bruyns, C. (2000). RPE Inhibition of T cell roliferation: Role of Apoptosis and Phagocytosis. Paper session presented at Ever (10/2000: Palma de Mallorca).
  6. 68. De Witte, O., Goldberg, I., Salmon, I., Levivier, M., Pirotte, B., Brotchi, J., & Goldman, S. (1999). Valeur prédictive de la captation de la méthionine, étudiée par la tomographie par émission de positons, dans les gliomes cérébraux. Paper session presented at Société de Neurophysiologie Clinique de Langue Française (December 1999).
  7. 69. Oulad Ben Taib, N., Nagy, N., Salmon, I., & Brotchi, J. (1999). Astrocytome pilocytic: revue de 23 cas. Paper session presented at Société de Neurophysiologie Clinique de Langue Française (December 1999).
  8. 70. Hancq, S., De Witte, O., Levivier, M., Pirotte, B., David, P., Salmon, I., & Brotchi, J. (1999). Prise en charge chirurgicale des lésions de la région pinéale. Paper session presented at Société de Neurophysiologie Clinique de Langue Française (49: June 1999).
  9. 71. Oulad Ben Taib, N., Nagy, N., Salmon, I., Brotchi, J., & De Witte, O. (1999). Pilocytic astrocytoma: review of 23 cases. Paper session presented at Société belge de neurochirurgie (13 March 1999).
  10. 72. Hancq, S., De Witte, O., Levivier, M., Pirotte, B., David, P., Salmon, I., & Brotchi, J. (1999). Surgical management of pineal region lesions. Paper session presented at Société belge de neurochirurgie (13 March 1999).
  11. 73. Bronckart, Y., Decaestecker, C., Darro, F., Danguy, A., Salmon, I., & Kiss, R. (1999). Grading dysplasia in colorectal adenomas by means of quantitative binding pattern determination of five lectins. Poster présenté à la conférence Annual Meeting. American Association for Cancer Research (90: 10-14 April 1999: Philadelphia).
  12. 74. Darro, F., Camby, I., Burchert, M., Salmon, I., Gabius, H.-J., & Kiss, R. (1999). In vitro galectin-1 significantly modulates cell kinetics and the motility level of the U87 and U373 human glioblastoma cell lines. Poster présenté à la conférence American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting (90th: April 10-14: Philadelphia- USA).

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